# Configuration file for environment related options for all shells. # Use UTF-8 encoding in the terminal. export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 # Use Vim as editor. export EDITOR=vim # Set less as pager, its configuration is done through the .less file. export PAGER=less # Set colors for ls (and zsh completions). This colors files normal (fi), # directories blue bold (di), symbolic links cyan (ln), named pipes normal # (pi), sockets normal (so), block devices normal (bd), character devices # normal (cd) and executables bold red (ex). # See `dircolors --print-database` for possible colors. LS_COLORS='no=00:fi=00:di=34;01:ln=36:pi=00:so=00:bd=00:cd=00:ex=31;01' export LS_COLORS