! Configuration file for X11 programs. ! Use gray on black with a white cursor in XTerm. XTerm*foreground: darkgray XTerm*background: black XTerm*cursorColor: white ! Use the meta-key as expected by emacs. XTerm*metaSendsEscape: true ! Make sure XTerm allows send events. Necessary for stumpWM so Ctrl-t t can ! send a Ctrl-t to the application running in XTerm. Thanks to [df] in ! #stumpwm on Freenode (2009-05-18 22:05). XTerm*allowSendEvents: true ! Use 256 colors in XTerm. XTerm.termName: xterm-256color ! Main console colors. XTerm*color0: #000000 XTerm*color1: #ff0000 XTerm*color2: #00ff00 XTerm*color3: #ffff00 XTerm*color4: #0000ff XTerm*color5: #ff00ff XTerm*color6: #00ffff XTerm*color7: #ffffff ! Bold console colors. XTerm*color8: #404040 XTerm*color9: #ff4040 XTerm*color10: #40ff40 XTerm*color11: #ffff40 XTerm*color12: #4040ff XTerm*color13: #ff40ff XTerm*color14: #40ffff XTerm*color15: #cccccc ! vim: ft=xdefaults