# Main bash configuration file. # # Is sourced by all interactive shells and other shells like scp or rcp. . ~/.shell/functions source_debug ". ~/.bash/rc" source_config ~/.shell/env # Check if this is an interactive shell. Abort if not to prevent problems with # scp and rcp. Taken from default Debian bashrc. Thanks. if [[ $- != *i* ]]; then return fi # Set the prompt; hostname and current working directory are displayed. # Hostname is displayed in green, current directory in blue. PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\] \$ ' # Use Vi(m) style in bash. set -o vi source_config ~/.shell/aliases source_config ~/.bash/rc.local source_debug ". ~/.bash/rc (done)" # vim: ft=sh