# Global Git configuration file. dnl Load m4 macros. include(../lib.m4) [user] name = Simon Ruderich email = simon@ruderich.org [color] ui = auto [core] editor = vim excludesfile = GITIGNORE [pager] # Use pager with git status. status = yes [alias] # Shortcuts for often used commands. c = commit -v ci = commit -v d = diff di = diff s = status st = status l = log a = add co = checkout b = branch -av br = branch -av m = merge me = merge f = fetch fe = fetch p = push pu = push # Custom commands. fs = fsck --strict --full glog = log --pretty=oneline --graph --all ss = stash save sa = stash apply sl = stash list [diff] # Detect copies and renames. renames = copy [merge] IF(OS, darwin) tool = opendiff FI IF(OS, debian) tool = vimdiff FI # vim: ft=gitconfig