" vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et ft=vim : " Script: securemodelines.vim " Version: 10d6c6b52fcdd12f3ba457126f66fee4ccceec04 " Author: Ciaran McCreesh " Homepage: http://github.com/ciaranm/securemodelines " Requires: Vim 7 " License: Redistribute under the same terms as Vim itself " Purpose: A secure alternative to modelines if &compatible || v:version < 700 || exists('g:loaded_securemodelines') finish endif let g:loaded_securemodelines = 1 if (! exists("g:secure_modelines_allowed_items")) let g:secure_modelines_allowed_items = [ \ "textwidth", "tw", \ "softtabstop", "sts", \ "tabstop", "ts", \ "shiftwidth", "sw", \ "expandtab", "et", "noexpandtab", "noet", \ "filetype", "ft", \ "foldmethod", "fdm", \ "readonly", "ro", "noreadonly", "noro", \ "rightleft", "rl", "norightleft", "norl", \ "cindent", "cin", "nocindent", "nocin", \ "smartindent", "si", "nosmartindent", "nosi", \ "autoindent", "ai", "noautoindent", "noai", \ "spell", \ "spelllang" \ ] endif if (! exists("g:secure_modelines_verbose")) let g:secure_modelines_verbose = 0 endif if (! exists("g:secure_modelines_modelines")) let g:secure_modelines_modelines=5 endif if (! exists("g:secure_modelines_leave_modeline")) if &modeline set nomodeline if g:secure_modelines_verbose echohl WarningMsg echo "Forcibly disabling internal modelines for securemodelines.vim" echohl None endif endif endif fun! IsInList(list, i) abort for l:item in a:list if a:i == l:item return 1 endif endfor return 0 endfun fun! DoOne(item) abort let l:matches = matchlist(a:item, '^\([a-z]\+\)\%([-+^]\?=[a-zA-Z0-9_\-.]\+\)\?$') if len(l:matches) > 0 if IsInList(g:secure_modelines_allowed_items, l:matches[1]) exec "setlocal " . a:item elseif g:secure_modelines_verbose echohl WarningMsg echo "Ignoring '" . a:item . "' in modeline" echohl None endif endif endfun fun! DoNoSetModeline(line) abort for l:item in split(a:line, '[ \t:]') call DoOne(l:item) endfor endfun fun! DoSetModeline(line) abort for l:item in split(a:line) call DoOne(l:item) endfor endfun fun! CheckVersion(op, ver) abort if a:op == "=" return v:version != a:ver elseif a:op == "<" return v:version < a:ver elseif a:op == ">" return v:version >= a:ver else return 0 endif endfun fun! DoModeline(line) abort let l:matches = matchlist(a:line, '\%(\S\@=]\?\)\([0-9]\+\)\?\)\|\sex\):\s*\%(set\s\+\)\?\([^:]\+\):\S\@!') if len(l:matches) > 0 let l:operator = ">" if len(l:matches[1]) > 0 let l:operator = l:matches[1] endif if len(l:matches[2]) > 0 if CheckVersion(l:operator, l:matches[2]) ? 0 : 1 return endif endif return DoSetModeline(l:matches[3]) endif let l:matches = matchlist(a:line, '\%(\S\@=]\?\)\([0-9]\+\)\?\)\|\sex\):\(.\+\)') if len(l:matches) > 0 let l:operator = ">" if len(l:matches[1]) > 0 let l:operator = l:matches[1] endif if len(l:matches[2]) > 0 if CheckVersion(l:operator, l:matches[2]) ? 0 : 1 return endif endif return DoNoSetModeline(l:matches[3]) endif endfun fun! DoModelines() abort if line("$") > g:secure_modelines_modelines let l:lines={ } call map(filter(getline(1, g:secure_modelines_modelines) + \ getline(line("$") - g:secure_modelines_modelines, "$"), \ 'v:val =~ ":"'), 'extend(l:lines, { v:val : 0 } )') for l:line in keys(l:lines) call DoModeline(l:line) endfor else for l:line in getline(1, "$") call DoModeline(l:line) endfor endif endfun fun! SecureModelines_DoModelines() abort call DoModelines() endfun aug SecureModeLines au! au BufRead,StdinReadPost * :call DoModelines() aug END