" Vim main configuration file. " Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Simon Ruderich " " This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by " the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or " (at your option) any later version. " " This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, " but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of " MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the " GNU General Public License for more details. " " You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " along with this file. If not, see . " EDITOR SETTINGS " Save 'runtimepath' in case it was changed by the system's configuration " files. Also save 'diff' as set all& resets it; but somehow later (after " sourcing the vimrc - for example in a VimEnter autocmd) it gets " automagically restored to the correct value. if has('eval') let s:save_runtimepath = &runtimepath let s:save_diff = &diff endif " Reset all options (except 'term', 'lines' and 'columns'). This makes sure a " system wide configuration file doesn't change default values. set all& " And restore it after all other options were reset. if has('eval') let &runtimepath = s:save_runtimepath let &diff = s:save_diff unlet s:save_runtimepath unlet s:save_diff endif " Make sure Vim (and not Vi) settings are used. set nocompatible " Use UTF-8 for all internal data (buffers, registers, etc.). This doesn't " affect reading files in different encodings, see 'fileencodings' for that. set encoding=utf-8 " Load my scripts from ~/.vim (my scripts) and ~/.vim/runtime (checkout of Vim " runtime files) if available. set runtimepath-=~/.vim set runtimepath^=~/.vim,~/.vim/runtime " Don't store swap files in the same directory as the edited file. But only if " we have a "safe" writable directory available. if filewritable('~/.tmp') == 2 || filewritable('~/tmp') == 2 set directory-=. endif " But store them in ~/.tmp or ~/tmp (already set by default) if available. set directory^=~/.tmp " Disable modelines as they may cause security problems. Instead use " securemodelines (Vim script #1876). set nomodeline " Complete to longest common string (list:longest) and then complete all full " matches after another (full). Thanks to pbrisbin " (http://pbrisbin.com:8080/dotfiles/vimrc). set wildmode=list:longest,full " Ignore case when completing files/directories. if exists('+wildignorecase') set wildignorecase endif " Ignore files with the following extensions because I almost never want to " edit them in Vim (specifying them manually still works of course). set wildignore= " C set wildignore+=*.o,*.d,*.so " Java set wildignore+=*.class " LaTeX set wildignore+=*.aux,*.log,*.out,*.toc,*.pdf " Python set wildignore+=*.pyc " Show completion menu even if only one entry matches. if exists('+completeopt') set completeopt+=menuone endif " Increase history of executed commands (:) and search patterns (/). set history=1000 " Increase number of possible undos. set undolevels=1000 " Remember marks (including the last cursor position) for more files. ^= is " necessary because 'viminfo' is parsed from the beginning and the first match " is used. if has('viminfo') set viminfo^='1000 endif " Use strong encryption if possible, also used for swap/undo files. if exists('+cryptmethod') set cryptmethod=blowfish endif " Create new split windows on the right (and not left). set splitright " Clear all vimrc-related autocmds. Has to be done here as the vimrc augroup " is used multiple times. Necessary to support reloading the vimrc. if has('autocmd') augroup vimrc autocmd! augroup END endif " HELPER FUNCTIONS if has('eval') " Check if the given syntax group is available. Thanks to bairui in #vim on " Freenode (2012-02-19 01:15 CET) for the try/catch silent highlight idea. function! s:HasSyntaxGroup(group) try execute 'silent highlight ' . a:group " \a = [A-Za-z] catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E411/ " 'highlight group not found' return 0 endtry return 1 endfunction " Check if the given Vim version and patch is available. function! s:HasVersionAndPatch(version, patch) return v:version > a:version \ || (v:version == a:version && has('patch' . a:patch)) endfunction endif " TERMINAL SETTINGS " Also enable fast terminal mode in GNU screen and tmux, but not for SSH " connections. if &term =~# '^screen' && !exists('$SSH_CONNECTION') set ttyfast endif " EDIT SETTINGS " Enable automatic file detection, plugin and indention support. if has('autocmd') filetype off " necessary for pathogen to force a reload of ftplugins filetype plugin indent on endif " Use UTF-8 file encoding for all files. Automatically recognize latin1 in " existing files. set fileencodings=utf-8,latin1 " Always use unix line-endings for new files. set fileformats=unix,dos " Wrap text after 78 characters. set textwidth=78 " Set tabs to 4 spaces, use softtabs. set shiftwidth=4 set softtabstop=4 set expandtab " When < and > is used indent/deindent to the next 'shiftwidth' boundary. set shiftround " Use the default value for real tabs. set tabstop=8 " Enable auto indention. set autoindent " When joining lines only add one space after a sentence. set nojoinspaces " Allow backspacing over autoindent and line breaks. set backspace=indent,eol " Start a comment when hitting enter after a commented line (r) and when using " o or O around a commented line (o). set formatoptions+=ro " Don't break a line if was already longer then 'textwidth' when insert mode " started. set formatoptions+=l " Remove comment leader when joining lines where it makes sense. if HasVersionAndPatch(703, 541) set formatoptions+=j endif " Allow virtual editing (cursor can be positioned anywhere, even when there is " no character) in visual block mode. set virtualedit=block " Already display matches while typing the search command. This makes spotting " typos easy and searching faster. set incsearch " Activate syntax folding. if has('folding') set foldmethod=syntax " Only use fold column if we have enough space (for example not in a " (virtual) terminal which has only 80 columns). if &columns > 80 set foldcolumn=2 endif set foldlevel=99 " no closed folds at default, 'foldenable' would disable " folding which is not what I want " Don't open folds for block movements like '(', '{', '[[', '[{', etc. set foldopen-=block endif " Only check case if the searched word contains a capital character. set ignorecase set smartcase " Activate spell checking, use English as default. if exists('+spell') && has('syntax') " But not when diffing because spell checking is distracting in this case. if !&diff set spell endif set spelllang=en_us endif " Allow buffers with changes to be hidden. Very important for effective " editing with multiple buffers. Prevents the "E37: No write since last change " (add ! to override)" warning when switching buffers. set hidden " DISPLAY SETTINGS " Use a dark background. Doesn't change the background color, only sets text " colors for a dark terminal. set background=dark " Use my color scheme if 256 colors are available. if &t_Co == 256 || has('gui_running') colorscheme simon endif " Display line numbers. set number " But use as little space as possible for the numbers column. Thanks to James " Vega (http://git.jamessan.com/?p=etc/vim.git;a=summary). if exists('+numberwidth') set numberwidth=1 endif " Display the ruler with current line/file position. If 'statusline' is used " then this only affects . set ruler " Display partial commands in the status line. set showcmd " Don't redraw screen when executing macros; increases speed. Thanks to James " Vega (http://git.jamessan.com/?p=etc/vim.git;a=summary). set lazyredraw " Visualize the line the cursor is currently in. if exists('+cursorline') set cursorline endif " Highlight all matches on the screen when searching. Use (see below) to " remove the highlighting until the next search. set hlsearch " Display some special characters. set list set listchars= " Display tabs as ">--------". set listchars+=tab:>- " Display trailing whitespace as "-". set listchars+=trail:- " Display markers for long lines when wrapping is disabled. set listchars+=extends:>,precedes:< " Display non-breakable space as "!". if v:version >= 700 set listchars+=nbsp:! endif " Don't draw the vertical split separator by using space as character. Thanks " to scp1 in #vim on Freenode (2012-06-16 16:12 CEST) for the idea to use a " non-breakable space. But a simple space works as well, as long as the " current color scheme is not reset. if has('windows') && has('folding') set fillchars+=vert:\ " comment to prevent trailing whitespace endif if has('statusline') " Always display the status line even if there is only one window. set laststatus=2 " If there's more than one buffer return "/" (e.g. "/05") where " is the highest buffer number, otherwise return nothing. Used in " 'statusline' to get an overview of available buffer numbers. function! s:StatuslineBufferCount() let l:bufnr = bufnr('$') if l:bufnr > 1 let l:result = '/' if exists('*printf') let l:result .= printf('%02d', l:bufnr) else " Older Vims don't have printf() (and no .= either). Emulate " "%02d". if l:bufnr < 10 let l:result = l:result . '0' endif let l:result = l:result . l:bufnr endif return l:result else return '' endif endfunction " Like %f but use relative filename if it's shorter than the absolute path " (e.g. '../../file' vs. '~/long/path/to/file'). fnamemodify()'s ':.' is " not enough because it doesn't create '../'s. function! s:StatuslineRelativeFilename() " Display only filename for help files. if &buftype == 'help' return expand('%:t') endif " Special case for scratch files. if &buftype == 'nofile' return '[Scratch]' endif let l:path = expand('%') " No file. if l:path == '' return '[No Name]' endif " Path is already relative, nothing to do. if stridx(l:path, '/') != 0 return l:path endif " Absolute path to this file. let l:path = expand('%:p') " Shortened path to this file, thanks to bairui in #vim on Freenode " (2012-06-23 00:54) for the tip to use fnamemodify(). This is what " Vim normally uses as %f (minus some exceptions). let l:original_path = fnamemodify(l:path, ':~') " Absolute path to the current working directory. let l:cwd = getcwd() " Working directory completely contained in path, replace it with a " relative path. Happens for example when opening a file with netrw. " %f displays this as absolute path, but we want a relative path of " course. if stridx(l:path, l:cwd) == 0 return strpart(l:path, strlen(l:cwd) + 1) endif let l:path_list = split(l:path, '/') let l:cwd_list = split(l:cwd, '/') " Remove the common path. while l:path_list[0] == l:cwd_list[0] call remove(l:path_list, 0) call remove(l:cwd_list, 0) endwhile " Add as many '..' as necessary for the relative path and join the " path. Thanks to Raimondi in #vim on Freenode (2012-06-23 01:13) for " the hint to use repeat() instead of a loop. let l:path = repeat('../', len(l:cwd_list)) . join(l:path_list, '/') " Use the shorter path, either relative or absolute. if strlen(l:path) < strlen(l:original_path) return l:path else return l:original_path endif endfunction " Return current syntax group in brackets or nothing if there's none. function! s:StatuslineSyntaxGroup() let l:group = synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1), 'name') if l:group != '' return '[' . l:group . '] ' else return '' endif endfunction " Short function names to make 'statusline' more readable. function! SBC() return StatuslineBufferCount() endfunction function! SRF() return StatuslineRelativeFilename() endfunction function! SSG() return StatuslineSyntaxGroup() endfunction set statusline= " on the left set statusline+=%02n " buffer number set statusline+=%{SBC()} " highest buffer number set statusline+=: if has('modify_fname') && v:version >= 700 " some functions need 7.0 set statusline+=%{SRF()} " path to current file set statusline+=\ " space after path else set statusline+=%f\ " path to current file in buffer endif set statusline+=%h " [help] if buffer is help file set statusline+=%w " [Preview] if buffer is preview buffer set statusline+=%m " [+] if buffer was modified, " [-] if 'modifiable' is off set statusline+=%r " [RO] if buffer is read only " on the right set statusline+=%= " right align set statusline+=0x%-8B\ " current character under cursor as hex set statusline+=%-12.(%l,%c%V%)\ " line number (%l), " column number (%c), " virtual column number if different " than %c (%V) set statusline+=%P " position in file in percent endif " MAPPINGS (except for plugins, see PLUGIN SETTINGS below) " noremap is used to make sure the right side is executed as is and can't be " modified by a plugin or other settings. Except for which isn't " affected by mappings. " Easy way to exit insert mode. jk is preferred because it's faster. inoremap jj inoremap jk " Also for command mode, thanks to http://github.com/mitechie/pyvim " (2010-10-15). cnoremap jj cnoremap jk " Disable arrow keys for all modes except command modes. Thanks to James Vega " (http://git.jamessan.com/?p=etc/vim.git;a=summary). map map map map imap imap imap imap " Also disable arrow keys in command mode, use / as replacement (see " below). cmap cmap cmap cmap " Use / as replacement for / in command mode. Thanks to " abstrakt and grayw in #vim on Freenode (2010-04-12 21:20 CEST). cnoremap cnoremap if has('eval') " Don't move the cursor to the first column for certain scroll commands (, , ). Thanks to jamessan in #vim on Freenode (2011-08-31 " 02:27 CEST) for the 'nostartofline' tip. But I can't use 'nostartofline' " directly because it also enables that feature for other commands which I " don't want. " Set 'nostartofline' for a single movement. function! s:TemporaryNostartofline(movement) let l:startofline = &startofline set nostartofline execute 'normal! ' . a:movement let &startofline = l:startofline endfunction " Thanks to fow in #vim on Freenode (2012-02-16 15:38 CET) for the idea to " use ""; Vim documentation reference: :help <>. nnoremap \ :call TemporaryNostartofline("C-F>") nnoremap \ :call TemporaryNostartofline("C-B>") nnoremap \ :call TemporaryNostartofline("C-D>") nnoremap \ :call TemporaryNostartofline("C-U>") endif " Write before suspending, thanks to deryni in #vim on Freenode (2011-05-09 " 20:02 CEST). To suspend without saving either unmap this or use :stop. " Only the current buffer is written, thus switching to another buffer works " too. nnoremap :update:stop " 2 gives more verbose information, use it by default. Thanks to NCS_One " in #vim on Freenode (2011-08-15 00:17 CEST). nnoremap 2 " Use to move down a page and - to move up one like in mutt. Don't use " nnoremap so the / 'nostartofline' fix (see above) works. nmap nmap - " Go to next and previous buffer. Thanks to elik in #vim on Freenode " (2010-05-16 18:38 CEST) for this idea. nnoremap gb :bnext nnoremap gB :bprevious if has('eval') " But when starting again at the first buffer, print a warning which " reminds me that I've already seen that buffer. function! s:NextBuffer() " Are we currently on the last buffer and moving to the first? let l:last_buffer = 0 if bufnr('%') == bufnr('$') && bufnr('$') > 1 let l:last_buffer = 1 endif " Go to the next buffer. if !l:last_buffer bnext " Go to the first buffer, silent is necessary or the following message " won't be displayed because it's overwritten by the status message " displayed when entering a buffer. else silent bnext echohl WarningMsg echo 'Starting again at first buffer.' echohl None endif endfunction nnoremap gb :call NextBuffer() endif " Fast access to buffers. nnoremap 1 :1buffer nnoremap 2 :2buffer nnoremap 3 :3buffer nnoremap 4 :4buffer nnoremap 5 :5buffer nnoremap 6 :6buffer nnoremap 7 :7buffer nnoremap 8 :8buffer nnoremap 9 :9buffer nnoremap 0 :10buffer " Make last active window the only window. Similar to o. nnoremap O po " Maps to change spell language between English and German and disable spell " checking. if exists('+spell') nnoremap sn :set nospell nnoremap se :set spell spelllang=en_us nnoremap sd :set spell spelllang=de_de " If no spell support is available, these mappings do nothing. else nmap sn nmap se nmap sd endif " Add semicolon to the end of the line. Thanks to " http://www.van-laarhoven.org/vim/.vimrc for this idea and godlygeek in #vim " on Freenode for an improved version which doesn't clobber any marks. nnoremap ; :call setline(line('.'), getline('.') . ';') " * and # for selections in visual mode. Thanks to " http://got-ravings.blogspot.com/2008/07/vim-pr0n-visual-search-mappings.html " and all nerds involved (godlygeek, strull in #vim on Freenode). if has('eval') function! s:VSetSearch() let l:temp = @@ normal! gvy " Added \C to force 'noignorecase' while searching the current visual " selection. I want to search for the exact string in this case. let @/ = '\C' . '\V' . substitute(escape(@@, '\'), '\n', '\\n', 'g') let @@ = l:temp endfunction vnoremap * :call VSetSearch()// vnoremap # :call VSetSearch()?? endif " I often type "W" instead of "w" when trying to save a file. Fix my mistake. " Thanks to Tony Mechelynck from the Vim " mailing list for the commands. if v:version < 700 cnoreabbrev W w cnoreabbrev Wa wa cnoreabbrev Wq wq cnoreabbrev Wqa wqa else cnoreabbrev W \ ((getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdpos() <= 2) ? 'w' : 'W') cnoreabbrev Wa \ ((getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdpos() <= 3) ? 'wa' : 'Wa') cnoreabbrev Wq \ ((getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdpos() <= 3) ? 'wq' : 'Wq') cnoreabbrev Wqa \ ((getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdpos() <= 4) ? 'wqa' : 'Wqa') endif " Also fix my typo with "Q". if v:version < 700 cnoreabbrev Q q cnoreabbrev Qa qa else cnoreabbrev Q \ ((getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdpos() <= 2) ? 'q' : 'Q') cnoreabbrev Qa \ ((getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdpos() <= 3) ? 'qa' : 'Qa') endif " In case 'hlsearch' is used disable it with . Thanks to frogonwheels and " vimgor (bot) in #vim on Freenode (2010-03-30 05:58 CEST). nnoremap :nohlsearch " in insert mode deletes a lot, break undo sequence before deleting the " line so the change can be undone. Thanks to the vimrc_example.vim file in " Vim's source. inoremap u " Same for (insert previously inserted text and leave insert mode). inoremap u " And for (insert previously inserted text). inoremap u " And for (delete word before cursor). inoremap u if has('eval') " New text-objects ii and ai to work on text with the same indentation. Thanks " to http://vim.wikia.com/index.php?title=Indent_text_object&oldid=27126 " (visited on 2011-11-19). onoremap ai :call IndTxtObj(0) onoremap ii :call IndTxtObj(1) vnoremap ai :call IndTxtObj(0)gv vnoremap ii :call IndTxtObj(1)gv function! s:IndTxtObj(inner) let curline = line(".") let lastline = line("$") let i = indent(line(".")) - &shiftwidth * (v:count1 - 1) let i = i < 0 ? 0 : i if getline(".") !~ "^\\s*$" let p = line(".") - 1 let nextblank = getline(p) =~ "^\\s*$" while p > 0 \ && ((i == 0 && !nextblank) \ || (i > 0 && ((indent(p) >= i \ && !(nextblank && a:inner)) \ || (nextblank && !a:inner)))) - let p = line(".") - 1 let nextblank = getline(p) =~ "^\\s*$" endwhile normal! 0V call cursor(curline, 0) let p = line(".") + 1 let nextblank = getline(p) =~ "^\\s*$" while p <= lastline \ && ((i == 0 && !nextblank) \ || (i > 0 && ((indent(p) >= i \ && !(nextblank && a:inner)) \ || (nextblank && !a:inner)))) + let p = line(".") + 1 let nextblank = getline(p) =~ "^\\s*$" endwhile normal! $ endif endfunction endif " ABBREVIATIONS " Fix some of my spelling mistakes (German). inoreabbrev relle reelle inoreabbrev reele reelle " Fix some of my spelling mistakes (English). inoreabbrev completly completely " SYNTAX SETTINGS " Activate syntax coloring. if has('syntax') syntax enable " Don't highlight more than 500 columns as I normally don't have that long " lines and they slow down syntax coloring. Thanks to Derek Wyatt " (http://www.derekwyatt.org/vim/the-vimrc-file/). if exists('+synmaxcol') set synmaxcol=500 endif " Use (limited) syntax based omni completion if no other omni completion is " available. Taken from :help ft-syntax-omni. if has('autocmd') && exists('+omnifunc') augroup vimrc autocmd FileType * \ if &omnifunc == '' | \ setlocal omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete | \ endif augroup END endif " Function to enable all custom highlights. Necessary as highlights are " window-local and thus must be set for each new window. function! s:CustomSyntaxHighlights() " Not the first time called, nothing to do. if exists('w:vimrc_syntax_run') return endif let w:vimrc_syntax_run = 1 " Highlight lines longer than 78 characters. Thanks to Tony Mechelynck " from the Vim mailing list. It can easily be " disabled when necessary with :2match (in Vim >= 700). if !&diff && exists(':2match') " Use ColorColumn for overlong lines if available and my color " scheme is used. if &t_Co == 256 && HasSyntaxGroup('ColorColumn') 2match ColorColumn /\%>78v./ else 2match Todo /\%>78v./ endif elseif !&diff match Todo /\%>78v./ endif if exists('*matchadd') " Highlight some important keywords in all documents. let l:todos = ['TODO', 'XXX', 'FIXME', \ 'CHANGED', 'REMOVED', 'DELETED'] " Compatibility fix for Vim 6.4 which can't handle for in function " (without function it's ignored). execute ' for l:x in l:todos' \ '| call matchadd("Todo", l:x)' \ '| endfor' " Highlight Unicode whitespace which is no normal whitespace (0x20). let l:spaces = ['00a0', '1680', '180e', '2000', '2001', '2002', \ '2003', '2004', '2005', '2006', '2007', '2008', \ '2009', '200a', '200b', '200c', '200d', '202f', \ '205f', '2060', '3000', 'feff'] " Compatibility fix for Vim 6.4. Escape \ inside the " string or " it won't work! execute ' for l:x in l:spaces' \ '| call matchadd("Error", "\\%u" . l:x)' \ '| endfor' " Special highlight for tabs to reduce their visibility in contrast to other " SpecialKey characters (e.g. ^L). if &t_Co == 256 && HasSyntaxGroup('specialKeyTab') call matchadd('specialKeyTab', '\t') endif endif endfunction " Enable highlights for the current and all new windows. Thanks to bairui in " #vim on Freenode (2012-04-01 00:22 CEST) for the WinEnter suggestion. call CustomSyntaxHighlights() if has('autocmd') augroup vimrc autocmd WinEnter * call CustomSyntaxHighlights() augroup END endif " Settings for specific filetypes. " C let g:c_no_if0_fold = 1 " fix weird double fold in #if0 in recent versions " Haskell. let g:hs_highlight_delimiters = 1 let g:hs_highlight_boolean = 1 let g:hs_highlight_types = 1 let g:hs_highlight_more_types = 1 " Java. let g:java_highlight_java_lang_ids = 1 " color java.lang.* identifiers " Perl. let g:perl_fold = 1 let g:perl_fold_blocks = 1 let g:perl_nofold_packages = 1 let g:perl_include_pod = 1 " syntax coloring for PODs " PHP. let g:php_folding = 3 " fold functions let g:php_short_tags = 0 " no short tags (), not always usable let g:php_sql_query = 1 " highlight SQL queries in strings " Python. let g:python_highlight_all = 1 " Shell. let g:sh_noisk = 1 " don't add . to 'iskeyword' let g:sh_is_posix = 1 " POSIX shell (e.g. dash) is compatible enough let g:sh_fold_enabled = 7 " functions (1), heredoc (2) and if/do/for (4) " Vim. let g:vimsyn_embed = 0 " don't highlight embedded languages let g:vimsyn_folding = 'af' " folding for autogroups (a) and functions (f) " XML. let g:xml_syntax_folding = 1 endif " PLUGIN SETTINGS if has('eval') " Use pathogen which allows one 'runtimepath' entry per plugin. This makes " installing/removing/updating plugins simple. (Used for plugins with more " than one file.) Ignore errors in case pathogen is not installed. if v:version >= 700 silent! execute 'call pathogen#infect()' endif " Settings for securemodelines. " Only allow items I need (also includes spl which is not enabled by " default). if v:version >= 700 " need lists let g:secure_modelines_allowed_items = ['ft', 'spl', 'fdm', \ 'sw', 'sts', 'noet'] endif " Settings for the NERD commenter. " Don't create any mappings I don't want to use. let g:NERDCreateDefaultMappings = 0 " Map toggle comment. nmap NERDCommenterToggle " XPTemplate settings. " Try to maintain snippet rendering even after editing outside of a " snippet. let g:xptemplate_strict = 0 " Don't complete any braces automatically. let g:xptemplate_brace_complete = 0 " Only highlight the current placeholder. let g:xptemplate_highlight = 'current' " CtrlP settings. " Don't manage the working directory (the default setting is too slow for " me). let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = 0 " Path to cache directory. I prefer to keep generated files as local as " possible. let g:ctrlp_cache_dir = $HOME . '/.vim/cache/ctrlp' " Permanent cache, cleared by a crontab entry. let g:ctrlp_clear_cache_on_exit = 0 " FSWitch settings. " Default don't work well for my projects. augroup vimrc autocmd BufEnter *.cc let b:fswitchdst = 'h' \ | let b:fswitchlocs = './' autocmd BufEnter *.h let b:fswitchdst = 'cc,c' \ | let b:fswitchlocs = './' augroup END " Switch to corresponding header/source file. nnoremap h :FSHere endif " AUTO COMMANDS " Use a custom auto group to prevent problems when the vimrc files is sourced " twice. if has('autocmd') augroup vimrc " Go to last position of opened files. Taken from :help last-position-jump. autocmd BufReadPost * \ if line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line('$') | \ execute "normal! g'\"" | \ endif " But not for Git commits, go to beginning of the file. autocmd BufReadPost COMMIT_EDITMSG normal! gg " Make sure 'list' and 'number' is disabled in help files. This is necessary " when switching to a help buffer which is in the background with :buffer as " these options are local to windows (and not only to buffers). This happens " because I often want to use only one window and thus the help buffer is in " the background. autocmd BufWinEnter *.txt \ if &filetype == 'help' | \ setlocal nolist | \ setlocal nonumber | \ endif " Automatically disable 'paste' mode when leaving insert mode. Thanks to " Raimondi in #vim on Freenode (2010-08-14 23:01 CEST). Very useful as I only " want to paste once and then 'paste' gets automatically unset. InsertLeave " doesn't exist in older Vims. if exists('##InsertLeave') autocmd InsertLeave * set nopaste endif " Write all files when running :mak[e] before 'makeprg' is called. " QuickFixCmdPre doesn't exist in older Vims. if exists('##QuickFixCmdPre') autocmd QuickFixCmdPre * wall endif " Don't ignore case while in insert mode, but ignore case in all other modes. " This causes / to honor the case and thus only complete matching " capitalization. But while searching (/) 'ignorecase' is used. " InsertEnter/InsertLeave doesn't exist in older Vims. if exists('##InsertEnter') && exists('##InsertLeave') autocmd InsertEnter * set noignorecase autocmd InsertLeave * set ignorecase endif " Display a warning when editing a file which contains "do not edit" (ignoring " the case, \c), for example template files which were preprocessed or " auto-generated files. Especially useful when the header is not displayed on " the first screen, e.g. when the old position is restored. Not for vimrc " though. function! s:SearchForDoNotEditHeader() if search('\cdo not edit', 'n') == 0 \ || expand(':t') =~# '^.\?vimrc$' return endif echohl WarningMsg echo 'Do not edit this file! (Maybe a template file.)' echohl None endfunction autocmd BufRead * call SearchForDoNotEditHeader() " AFTER/FTPLUGIN AUTO COMMANDS " Disable spell checking for files which don't need it. autocmd FileType deb setlocal nospell autocmd FileType diff setlocal nospell autocmd FileType tar setlocal nospell " Fix to allow Vim edit crontab files as crontab doesn't work with " backupcopy=auto. autocmd FileType crontab setlocal backupcopy=yes " Don't use the modeline in git commits as the diff created by `git commit -v` " may contain one which could change the filetype or other settings of the " commit buffer. Also make sure we use only 72 characters per line which is " the recommendation for git commit messages (http://tpope.net/node/106). autocmd FileType gitcommit let g:secure_modelines_allowed_items = [] | \ setlocal textwidth=72 " Use the same comment string as for Vim files in Vimperator files. autocmd FileType vimperator setlocal commentstring=\"%s " Use TeX compiler for (La)TeX files. autocmd FileType tex compiler tex " FTDETECT AUTO COMMANDS " Recognize .md as markdown files (Vim default is .mkd). autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.md set filetype=mkd " Recognize .test as Tcl files. autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.test set filetype=tcl " OTHER AUTO COMMANDS " Disable spell checking, displaying of list characters and long lines when " viewing documentation. autocmd BufReadPost /usr/share/doc/* setlocal nospell nolist | 2match " Use diff filetype for mercurial patches in patch queue. autocmd BufReadPost */.hg/patches/* set filetype=diff augroup END endif " CUSTOM FUNCTIONS AND COMMANDS if has('eval') " Convenient command to see the difference between the current buffer and the " file it was loaded from, thus the changes you made. Thanks to the " vimrc_example.vim file in Vim's source. Modified to use the same filetype " for the diffed file than the filetype for the original file. if !exists(':DiffOrig') command DiffOrig \ let s:diff_orig_filetype = &filetype \ | vertical new \ | let &filetype = s:diff_orig_filetype \ | unlet s:diff_orig_filetype \ | set buftype=nofile \ | read ++edit # \ | 0d_ \ | diffthis \ | wincmd p \ | diffthis endif endif