! Configuration file for X11 programs. ! ! It is designed to work with xterm and rxvt (and their unicode variants). ! ! "Term" is an alias for all supported terminal emulators; it is automatically ! replaced by setup.sh. ! Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Simon Ruderich ! ! This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ! (at your option) any later version. ! ! This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this file. If not, see . ! COLOR SETTINGS ! Use gray on black with a light yellow cursor in terminals. Term.foreground: #cccccc Term.background: #000000 Term.cursorColor: #ffff66 ! Special case for urxvt to get transparent background. This requires a ! compositing manager which supports transparency like compton. Thanks to eto ! and adaedra in #herblstuftwm on Freenode (2014-05-04 15:50 ff) for their ! awesome help regarding transparency. URxvt.background: [90]#000000 ! Necessary for transparency, see man page. URxvt.depth: 32 ! Enable pseudo transparency. Only used if compton is not available. !NO_COMPTON URxvt.transparent: true !NO_COMPTON URxvt.shading: 10 ! Main console colors. Term.color0: #000000 Term.color1: #ff0000 Term.color2: #00ff00 Term.color3: #ffff00 Term.color4: #0000ff Term.color5: #ff00ff Term.color6: #00ffff Term.color7: #ffffff ! Bold console colors. Term.color8: #404040 Term.color9: #ff4040 Term.color10: #40ff40 Term.color11: #ffff40 Term.color12: #4040ff Term.color13: #ff40ff Term.color14: #40ffff Term.color15: #cccccc ! Use 256 colors in XTerm. XTerm.termName: xterm-256color ! MISC TERMINAL SETTINGS ! Use Inconsolata as default font, SourceCodePro for replacement characters ! (e.g. greek letters), VL Gothic for Asian characters. URxvt.font: xft:Inconsolata:pixelsize=17,xft:SourceCodePro-Regular:pixelsize=17,xft:VL Gothic:pixelsize=17 ! Disable the scrollback buffer. I use screen/tmux so it is not necessary and ! only wastes memory. XTerm.saveLines: 0 URxvt.saveLines: 0 ! Use the meta-key as expected by emacs/irssi. XTerm.metaSendsEscape: true ! Make sure XTerm allows send events. Necessary for stumpWM so Ctrl-t t can ! send a Ctrl-t to the application running in XTerm. Thanks to [df] in ! #stumpwm on Freenode (2009-05-18 22:05). !XTerm*allowSendEvents: true ! Disable support to enter non-ASCII keys by pressing Ctrl-Shift-. ! Either use digraph support in vim/screen or use the compose key instead. ! NOTE: If enabled can also be used to display used font for characters. URxvt.iso14755: false URxvt.iso14755_52: false ! Disable printing with the "Print" key to prevent accidental prints. By ! default lpr is used. Rxvt instead of URxvt to ensure printing is disabled in ! case I use plain rxvt. Rxvt.print-pipe: true ! Do not use any perl extension scripts. URxvt.perl-ext-common: ! XSCREENSAVER SETTINGS ! Just blank the screen, no fancy screen savers. xscreensaver.mode: blank ! Blank after x time (h:mm:ss). xscreensaver.timeout: 0:10:00 ! Lock screen after x time _after_ blank. xscreensaver.lockTimeout: 2:00:00 ! Require password to unlock after blank. xscreensaver.lock: True ! No fade effects, enable/disable monitor immediately. xscreensaver.fade: False xscreensaver.unfade: False ! Enable monitor power management. xscreensaver.dpmsEnabled: True ! Disable monitor immediately when locking the screen. xscreensaver.dpmsQuickOff: True ! Put monitor into standby (gets black), suspend (power-saving mode) and off ! after x time. xscreensaver.dpmsStandby: 0:10:00 xscreensaver.dpmsSuspend: 0:30:00 xscreensaver.dpmsOff: 1:00:00 ! Display splash screen on startup for x time. xscreensaver.splash: True xscreensaver.splashDuration: 0:00:01 ! Disable "New Login" button. xscreensaver.newLoginCommand: /bin/false ! vim: ft=xdefaults