#!/bin/sh # startx configuration file. # Use a black background for the root window. xsetroot -solid black # Force English keyboard layout. if [ -x /usr/bin/setxkbmap ]; then setxkbmap us fi # Use my X11 key bindings. xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc # Change the background if available. if [ -f ~/.background ]; then # But not on slow machines in the university. HOSTNAME=`hostname` if [ "x`echo $HOSTNAME | grep faui0sr`" = x ]; then if [ -x /usr/bin/hsetroot ]; then hsetroot -full ~/.background elif [ -x /usr/bin/feh ]; then feh --bg-scale ~/.background fi fi fi # Display reminders. if [ -x /usr/bin/remind -a -f ~/.reminders ]; then remind -z1 -k'.shell/bin/notify.py %s &' ~/.reminders & fi # Start XMonad. xmonad # vim: ft=sh