README ====== tlsproxy is a TLS proxy for HTTPS which intercepts the connections and ensures the server certificate doesn't change. Normally this isn't detected if a trusted CA for the new server certificate is installed. tlsproxy is licensed under GPL 3 (or later). REQUIREMENTS ------------ - GnuTLS library including development headers - certtool (from by GnuTLS) to create TLS certificates USAGE ----- To use tlsproxy you must first run `tlsproxy-setup` in an (empty) directory. This creates the following files: - `proxy-ca.pem`: CA which is used for all connections to the client - `proxy-ca-key.pem`: private key for the CA - `proxy-key.pem`: private key for the server - `proxy-invalid.pem`: special certificate used for invalid pages Then import the CA file `proxy-ca.pem` in your browser so it can validate the pages sent by the proxy. For each page you want to visit securely you must first obtain its server certificate (in PEM format) (for example with `gnutls-cli --print-cert server` - you need the first certificate). The next step is to _validate_ it. The proxy doesn't perform any validation thus it's important that you make sure the server certificate is the correct one! Then run `tlsproxy-add hostname path-to-certificate` in the same directory as above. This creates the following files: - ``: certificate used by the proxy for the connection to the client - ``: original server certificate, used to check if the current server certificate changed If the validation is successful the proxy uses the `certificate-*-proxy.pem` certificate to secure the connection to the client (signed by `proxy-ca.pem`). If an error occurs in the validation (missing `certificate-*.pem` files, fingerprint changed, etc.) it's logged by the proxy (stdout) and the special `proxy-invalid.pem` certificate is used to send a 500 error message to the client. The connection to the server is closed so there's no chance that any client data is sent to the (possible) evil server. The invalide certificate is also easy to spot in the browser because it uses an invalid hostname ("invalid") and is self-signed. If an internal error occurs before the TLS connection can be established a 503 Forwarding failure is sent to the client (unencrypted).