" Vim filetype detection file " Language: AsciiDoc " Author: Stuart Rackham " Last Change: AsciiDoc 8.2.0 " URL: http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/ " Licence: GPL (http://www.gnu.org) " Remarks: Vim 6 or greater " COMMENT OUT ONE OF THE TWO FOLLOWING COMMANDS " The first sets asciidoc syntax highlighting on all .txt files, the second " only existing files *.txt that appear to be AsciiDoc files. au BufNewFile,BufRead *.txt,README,TODO,CHANGELOG,NOTES setfiletype asciidoc "au BufRead *.txt,README,TODO,CHANGELOG,NOTES call s:FTasciidoc() " This function checks for a valid AsciiDoc document title after first " skipping any leading comments. function! s:FTasciidoc() let in_comment_block = 0 let n = 1 while n < 50 let line = getline(n) let n = n + 1 if line =~ '^/\{4,}$' if ! in_comment_block let in_comment_block = 1 else let in_comment_block = 0 endif continue endif if in_comment_block continue endif if line !~ '\(^//\)\|\(^\s*$\)' break endif endwhile if line !~ '.\{3,}' return endif let len = len(line) let line = getline(n) if line !~ '[-=]\{3,}' return endif if len < len(line) - 3 || len > len(line) + 3 return endif setfiletype asciidoc endfunction " vim: et sw=2 ts=2 sts=2: