" Vim main configuration file. " Make sure Vim (and not Vi) settings are enabled. set nocompatible " EDIT SETTINGS " Enable automatic file detection, plugin and indention. filetype plugin indent on " Use UTF-8 file encoding for all files. set fileencodings=utf-8 " Wrap text after 78 characters. set textwidth=78 " Set tabs to 4 spaces, use softtabs. set shiftwidth=4 set softtabstop=4 set expandtab " When < and > is used indent/deindent to the next shiftwidth boundary. set shiftround " Use the default value for real tabs. set tabstop=8 " Enable auto indention. set autoindent " When joining lines only add one space after a sentence. set nojoinspaces " Allow backspacing over autoindent, line breaks and insert mode starts. set backspace=indent,eol,start " Start a comment when hitting enter after a commented line (r) and when using " o or O around a commented line (o). set formatoptions+=ro " Don't break a line if was already longer then 'textwidth' when insert mode " started. set formatoptions+=l " Already display matches while typing the search command. This makes spotting " errors easily. set incsearch " Activate syntax folding. set foldmethod=syntax set foldcolumn=2 set foldlevel=99 " no folding at default " Only check for case if the searched word contains a capital character. set ignorecase set smartcase " Activate spell checking, use English as default. if v:version >= 700 set spell set spelllang=en_us endif " DISPLAY SETTINGS " Use a dark background. set background=dark " Activate lines display. set number " Display the ruler with current line/file position. set ruler " Display partial commands in the status line. set showcmd " Visualize the line the cursor is currently in. if v:version >= 700 set cursorline endif " Display tabs as "^I" and trailing space as "-". set list set listchars=trail:- " EDITOR SETTINGS " Don't use any modelines. set nomodeline " When completing paths first use the longest path then display a list of all " possible files. set wildmode=longest,list " MAPPINGS " Use "," as my mapleader. let mapleader = "," let maplocalleader = "," " Settings for the NERD commenter. " Don't create any mappings I don't want to use. let NERDCreateDefaultMappings=0 " Map toggle comment. map NERDCommenterToggle " Maps to change spell language between English and German. map se :set spelllang=en_us map sd :set spelllang=de_de " I often type "W" instead of "w" when trying to save a file. Fix my mistake. cmap W w cmap Wq wq " Also fix my typo with "Q". cmap Q q " Disable Apple style movements in MacVim. if has("gui_macvim") let macvim_skip_cmd_opt_movement = 1 endif " SYNTAX SETTINGS " Activate syntax coloring. syntax enable " Automatically save and the load the file state (stored in ~/.vim/view). autocmd BufWrite * mkview autocmd BufRead * loadview