B<fcscs> is a small tool which allows quick selection of terminal screen
contents (like URLs, paths, regex matches, etc.) and passes the selection to
-GNU Screen's or Tmux's buffer or any other program. The selection can then
-quickly be pasted, e.g. in the shell. Requires GNU Screen or Tmux. It's
-licensed under the GPL 3 or later.
+GNU Screen's or Tmux's paste buffer or any other program. The selection can
+then quickly be pasted, e.g. in the shell. Requires GNU Screen or Tmux to
+capture the terminal content. It's licensed under the GPL 3 or later.
=head1 OPTIONS
change this.
I<NOTE>: Opening URLs in the browser passes the URL via the command line which
-leaks URLs to other users on the current system via C<ps aux> or C<top>.
+might leak URLs to other users on the current system via C<ps aux> or C<top>
+(mount C</proc> with C<hidepid=2> on Linux to prevent this information
I<NOTE>: When yanking (copying) a temporary file is used to pass the data to
GNU screen/Tmux without exposing it to C<ps aux> or C<top>. However this may