This makes it much easier to understand. No functional changes.
# for window borders in split mode).
sorendition = Bw
# for window borders in split mode).
sorendition = Bw
+# Make sure the temporary variable we use is empty. Thanks to
+# for the idea to use setenv and to TauPan in
+# #screen on Freenode (2010-03-10 16:11) for reminding me of it and searching
+# it again.
+unsetenv s
# Always display the caption.
# Always display the caption.
-caption always "%{= Bw}%3n %t"
-# %{= Bw} - white on light blue background, also reset all attributes
-# (necessary so everything is displayed correctly)
-# %3n - window number
-# %t - window name
+setenv s "$s%{= Bw}" # - white on light blue background, also reset all
+ # attributes (necessary so everything is displayed
+ # correctly)
+setenv s "$s%3n" # - window number
+setenv s "$s " # - space
+setenv s "$s%t" # - window name
+caption always "$s"
+unsetenv s
# Always display the status line with open windows and the hostname.
# Always display the status line with open windows and the hostname.
-hardstatus alwayslastline "%w%=%l %H"
-# %w - number and names of windows
-# %= - right align the following text
-# %l - load average
-# %H - hostname
+setenv s "$s%w" # - number and names of windows
+setenv s "$s%=" # - right align the following text
+setenv s "$s%l" # - load average
+setenv s "$s " # - space
+setenv s "$s%H" # - hostname
+hardstatus alwayslastline "$s"
+unsetenv s