if v:version > 701 || (v:version == 701 && has('patch42'))
call matchadd('Todo', '\(TODO\|FIXME\|CHANGED\|XXX\)')
+" Settings for specific filetypes.
+ " Perl.
+ let g:perl_fold = 1
+ let g:perl_fold_blocks = 1
+ let g:perl_nofold_packages = 1
+ let g:perl_include_pod = 1 " syntax coloring for PODs
" the recommendation for git commit messages (http://tpope.net/node/106).
autocmd FileType gitcommit let g:secure_modelines_allowed_items = [] |
\ setlocal textwidth=72
-" Allow folding in perl.
- autocmd FileType perl let perl_fold = 1 |
- \ let perl_fold_blocks = 1
" Use the same comment string as for Vim files in Vimperator files.
autocmd FileType vimperator setlocal commentstring=\"%s