if [[ $ZSH_VERSION == (4.3.<11->*|4.<4->*|<5->*) ||
-d ~/.zsh/functions/vcs_info ]]; then
zstyle ':vcs_info:*' formats \
- "(${green}%b%u%c${default}:${blue}%s${default})"
+ "(${green}%b%u%c${default}:${blue}%s${default})" \
+ "${green}%u%c${default}"
zstyle ':vcs_info:*' actionformats \
- "(${green}%b%u%c${default}/${red}%a${default}:${blue}%s${default})"
+ "(${green}%b%u%c${default}/${red}%a${default}:${blue}%s${default})" \
+ "${green}%u%c${default}"
# In older versions %u and %c are not defined yet and are not
# correctly expanded.
+ vcs_info_msg_1_=
# Setup. Create variables holding the formatted content.
# Current directory in yellow, truncated if necessary (WIDTH is replaced
# below).
local directory="${yellow}%WIDTH<..<%~%<<${default}"
+ # Minimal information about the VCS, only displayed if there are
+ # unstaged/staged changes.
+ local vcs_staged="${vcs_info_msg_1_}"
# Information about the VCS in this directory.
local vcs="${vcs_info_msg_0_}"
# Combine them to create the prompt.
+ local top_left="${vcs_staged}"
local top_right="${vcs}(${seconds})"
local width_top_prefix=${#${(S%%)top_prefix//$~zero/}}
+ local width_top_left=${#${(S%%)top_left//$~zero/}}
local width_top_right=${#${(S%%)top_right//$~zero/}}
# Calculate the maximum width of ${top_left}. -2 are the braces of
# ${top_left}, -1 is one separator from ${top_separator} (we want at least
# one between left and right parts).
local top_left_width_max=$((
- COLUMNS - $width_top_prefix - 2 - 1 - $width_top_right
+ COLUMNS - $width_top_prefix
+ - $width_top_left - 2
+ - 1
+ - $width_top_right
# Truncate directory if necessary.
- local top_left="(${directory/WIDTH/${top_left_width_max}})"
- local width_top_left=${#${(S%%)top_left//$~zero/}}
+ top_left="(${directory/WIDTH/${top_left_width_max}})${top_left}"
+ width_top_left=${#${(S%%)top_left//$~zero/}}
# Calculate the width of the top prompt to fill the middle with "-".
local width=$((