# Set the default prompt. The current host and working directory is displayed,
# the exit code of the last command if it wasn't 0 and a + if this shell is
# running inside another shell.
-# The prompt is in green and blue to make easily detectable, The error exit
+# The prompt is in green and blue to make easily detectable, the error exit
# code in red and bold.
%{${fg[blue]}%}%B%~%b%{${fg[default]}%} %(2L.+.)%# \
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list '' 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}'
# Enable zsh's extended glob abilities.
-setopt extendedglob
+setopt extendedglob
# If a rc.local file exists load it, otherwise load a rc file for the current