" Activate syntax folding.
if has('folding')
set foldmethod=syntax
- " Only use fold column if we have enough space (for example in a (virtual)
- " terminals).
+ " Only use fold column if we have enough space (for example not in a
+ " (virtual) terminal which has only 80 columns).
if &columns > 80
set foldcolumn=2
" modified by a plugin or other settings. Except for <Nop> which isn't
" affected by mappings.
-" Easy way to exit insert mode.
+" Easy way to exit insert mode. jk is preferred because it's faster.
inoremap jj <Esc>
inoremap jk <Esc>
" Also for command mode, thanks to http://github.com/mitechie/pyvim
" Write before suspending, thanks to deryni in #vim on Freenode (2011-05-09
" 20:02 CEST). To suspend without saving either unmap this or use :stop<CR>.
-" Only the current buffer is written.
+" Only the current buffer is written, thus switching to another buffer works
+" too.
nnoremap <silent> <C-Z> :update<CR>:stop<CR>
" 2<C-G> gives more verbose information, use it by default. Thanks to NCS_One