set completeopt+=menuone
-" Increase history of executed commands (:).
+" Increase history of executed commands (:) and search patterns (/).
set history=1000
" Increase number of possible undos.
set undolevels=1000
-" Remember marks (including the last cursor position) for more files.
+" Remember marks (including the last cursor position) for more files. ^= is
+" necessary because 'viminfo' is parsed from the beginning and the first match
+" is used.
if has('viminfo')
set viminfo^='1000
" Clear all vimrc-related autocmds. Has to be done here as the vimrc augroup
-" is used multiple times.
+" is used multiple times. Necessary to support reloading the vimrc.
if has('autocmd')
augroup vimrc
set virtualedit=block
" Already display matches while typing the search command. This makes spotting
-" errors easy.
+" typos easy and searching faster.
set incsearch
" Activate syntax folding.
" Allow buffers with changes to be hidden. Very important for effective
" editing with multiple buffers. Prevents the "E37: No write since last change
-" (add ! to override)" warning.
+" (add ! to override)" warning when switching buffers.
set hidden