Also added rc.local and env.local with local settings.
# page less automatically quits. Also allows the use with colordiff.
export LESS="--no-init --search-skip-screen --quit-if-one-screen \
+# If an env.local file exists load it, otherwise load an env file for the
+# current hostname (first part before a dot) if it exists.
+if [[ -f ~/.zsh/env.local ]]; then;
+ source ~/.zsh/env.local
+elif [[ -f ~/.zsh/env.$host ]]; then;
+ source ~/.zsh/env.$host
--- /dev/null
+# Zsh configuration file for environment related options for my local computer.
+# Path to my local "unix" directory where my scripts, configuration files and
+# other unix related data is stored.
+# Add my bin/ directory, macports bin/ and sbin/ and the X11 bin/ directory to
+# the default PATH.
+typeset -U path
+path=($MYUNIX/bin /opt/local/bin /opt/local/sbin $path /usr/X11R6/bin)
+# Necessary for xterm to find man pages through PATH.
+unset MANPATH
# Enable zsh's extended glob abilities.
setopt extendedglob
+# If a rc.local file exists load it, otherwise load a rc file for the current
+# hostname (first part before a dot) if it exists.
+if [[ -f ~/.zsh/rc.local ]]; then;
+ source ~/.zsh/rc.local
+elif [[ -f ~/.zsh/rc.$host ]]; then;
+ source ~/.zsh/rc.$host
--- /dev/null
+# Zsh configuration file for my local computer.
+# Shortcuts for the prompt and to cd to important directories.
+# Activate these shortcuts.
+: ~unix ~macports ~htdocs ~page
+# Aliases for easy and fast cd to important directories.
+alias cdu='cd ~unix'
+alias cdm='cd ~macports'
+alias cdh='cd ~htdocs'
+alias cdp='cd ~page'