\ execute "normal! g'\"" |
\ endif
+" Disable spell checking for files which don't need it.
+ autocmd FileType deb setlocal nospell
+ autocmd FileType diff setlocal nospell
+ autocmd FileType tar setlocal nospell
" Fix to allow Vim edit crontab files as crontab doesn't work with
" backupcopy=auto.
autocmd FileType crontab setlocal backupcopy=yes
-" Make sure no spell checking is used in deb files.
- autocmd FileType deb setlocal nospell
-" Make sure no spell checking is used in diff files.
- autocmd FileType diff setlocal nospell
" Don't use the modeline as the diff created by `git commit -v` may contain
" one which could change the filetype or other settings of the commit window.
autocmd FileType gitcommit setlocal nomodeline |
autocmd FileType perl let perl_fold = 1 |
\ let perl_fold_blocks = 1
-" Make sure no spell checking is used in tar files.
- autocmd FileType tar setlocal nospell
" Use the same comment string as for Vim files.
autocmd FileType vimperator setlocal commentstring=\"%s