zstyle ':completion:::::' completer \
_expand _complete _prefix _ignored _approximate
-# Try uppercase if the currently typed string doesn't match. This allows
-# typing in lowercase most of the time and completion fixes the case. Don't
-# perform these fixes in _approximate to prevent it from changing the input
-# too much. Thanks to the book "From Bash to Z Shell" page 249.
+# Match specification to be tried when completing items. Each group ('...') is
+# tried after another if no matches were found, once matches are found no
+# other groups are tried. Thanks to Mikachu in #zsh on Freenode (2012-08-28
+# 18:48 CEST) for explanations.
+# When matching also include the uppercase variant of typed characters
+# ('m:{a-z}={A-Z}'); using '' before this group would try the unmodified match
+# first, but I prefer to get all matches immediately (e.g. if Makefile and
+# makefile exist in the current directory echo m<tab> matches both, with '' it
+# would only match makefile because it found one match). This allows typing in
+# lowercase most of the time and completion fixes the case, which is faster.
+# Don't perform these fixes in _approximate to prevent it from changing the
+# input too much. Thanks to the book "From Bash to Z Shell" page 249.
zstyle ':completion:*:(^approximate):*' matcher-list 'm:{a-z}={A-Z}'
# Allow one mistake per three characters. Thanks to the book "From Bash to Z