set cryptmethod=blowfish
+" Clear all vimrc-related autocmds. Has to be done here as the vimrc augroup
+" is used multiple times.
+if has('autocmd')
+ augroup vimrc
+ autocmd!
+ augroup END
" Use (limited) syntax based omni completion if no other omni completion is
" available. Taken from :help ft-syntax-omni.
if has('autocmd') && exists('+omnifunc')
- autocmd FileType *
- \ if &omnifunc == '' |
- \ setlocal omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete |
- \ endif
+ augroup vimrc
+ autocmd FileType *
+ \ if &omnifunc == '' |
+ \ setlocal omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete |
+ \ endif
+ augroup END
" Highlight lines longer than 78 characters. Thanks to Tony Mechelynck
" twice.
if has('autocmd')
augroup vimrc
-" Remove all autocmds from the current group.
- autocmd!
" Go to last position of opened files. Taken from :help last-position-jump.
autocmd BufReadPost *