" Name: gnupg.vim
-" Last Change: 2015 Jul 26
+" Last Change: 2015 Sep 29
" Maintainer: James McCoy <vega.james@gmail.com>
" Original Author: Markus Braun <markus.braun@krawel.de>
" Summary: Vim plugin for transparent editing of gpg encrypted files.
" g:GPGExecutable
" If set used as gpg executable, otherwise the system chooses what is run
-" when "gpg" is called. Defaults to "gpg".
+" when "gpg" is called. Defaults to "gpg --trust-model always".
" g:GPGUseAgent
" If set to 0 a possible available gpg-agent won't be used. Defaults to 1.
" g:GPGPossibleRecipients
" If set, these contents are loaded into the recipients dialog. This
" allows to add commented lines with possible recipients to the list,
-" which can be uncommented to select the actual recipients. Example:
+" which can be uncommented to select the actual recipients. Default is
+" unset. Example:
" let g:GPGPossibleRecipients=[
" \"Example User <example@example.com>",
" g:GPGHomedir
" If set, specifies the directory that will be used for GPG's homedir.
" This corresponds to gpg's --homedir option. This variable is a Vim
-" string.
+" string. Default is unset.
" g:GPGFilePattern
" If set, overrides the default set of file patterns that determine
" do the decryption
exe "autocmd BufReadCmd " . g:GPGFilePattern . " call s:GPGInit(1) |" .
- \ " call s:GPGDecrypt(1) |"
+ \ " call s:GPGDecrypt(1)"
exe "autocmd FileReadCmd " . g:GPGFilePattern . " call s:GPGInit(0) |" .
\ " call s:GPGDecrypt(0)"
" Section: Functions {{{1
+" Function: s:shellescape(s[, special]) {{{2
+" Calls shellescape(), also taking into account 'shellslash'
+" when on Windows and using $COMSPEC as the shell.
+" Returns: shellescaped string
+function s:shellescape(s, ...)
+ let special = a:0 ? a:1 : 0
+ if exists('+shellslash') && &shell == $COMSPEC
+ let ssl = &shellslash
+ set noshellslash
+ let escaped = shellescape(a:s, special)
+ let &shellslash = ssl
+ else
+ let escaped = shellescape(a:s, special)
+ endif
+ return escaped
" Function: s:GPGInit(bufread) {{{2
" initialize the plugin
" FIXME find a better way to avoid an error.
" with this solution only --use-agent will work
if (has("gui_running") && !has("gui_win32"))
- let s:GPGCommand = s:GPGCommand . " --no-tty"
+ let s:GPGCommand .= " --no-tty"
" setup shell environment for unix and windows
let s:shellredir = ">%s 2>&1"
let s:shell = '/bin/sh'
let s:stderrredirnull = '2>/dev/null'
- let s:GPGCommand = "LANG=C LC_ALL=C " . s:GPGCommand
" windows specific settings
let s:shellredir = '>%s'
echohl None
- let s:GPGCommand = s:GPGCommand . " --use-agent"
+ let s:GPGCommand .= " --use-agent"
- let s:GPGCommand = s:GPGCommand . " --no-use-agent"
+ let s:GPGCommand .= " --no-use-agent"
call s:GPGDebug(2, "public key algorithms: " . s:GPGPubkey)
let b:GPGOptions = []
+ " file name minus extension
+ let autocmd_filename = fnameescape(expand('<afile>:r'))
" File doesn't exist yet, so nothing to decrypt
if !filereadable(filename)
" Allow the user to define actions for GnuPG buffers
silent doautocmd User GnuPG
" call the autocommand for the file minus .gpg$
- silent execute ':doautocmd BufNewFile ' . fnameescape(expand('<afile>:r'))
- call s:GPGDebug(2, 'called BufNewFile autocommand for ' . fnameescape(expand('<afile>:r')))
+ silent execute ':doautocmd BufNewFile ' . autocmd_filename
+ call s:GPGDebug(2, 'called BufNewFile autocommand for ' . autocmd_filename)
" This is a new file, so force the user to edit the recipient list if
" they open a new file and public keys are preferred
- if (exists("g:GPGPreferSymmetric") && g:GPGPreferSymmetric == 0)
+ if (g:GPGPreferSymmetric == 0)
call s:GPGEditRecipients()
" find the recipients of the file
let cmd = { 'level': 3 }
- let cmd.args = '--verbose --decrypt --list-only --dry-run --no-use-agent --logger-fd 1 ' . shellescape(filename)
+ let cmd.args = '--verbose --decrypt --list-only --dry-run --no-use-agent --logger-fd 1 ' . s:shellescape(filename)
let output = s:GPGSystem(cmd)
" Suppress the "N more lines" message when editing a file, not when reading
if a:bufread
- silent execute ':doautocmd BufReadPre ' . fnameescape(expand('<afile>:r'))
- call s:GPGDebug(2, 'called BufReadPre autocommand for ' . fnameescape(expand('<afile>:r')))
+ silent execute ':doautocmd BufReadPre ' . autocmd_filename
+ call s:GPGDebug(2, 'called BufReadPre autocommand for ' . autocmd_filename)
- silent execute ':doautocmd FileReadPre ' . fnameescape(expand('<afile>:r'))
- call s:GPGDebug(2, 'called FileReadPre autocommand for ' . fnameescape(expand('<afile>:r')))
+ silent execute ':doautocmd FileReadPre ' . autocmd_filename
+ call s:GPGDebug(2, 'called FileReadPre autocommand for ' . autocmd_filename)
" check if the message is armored
" we must redirect stderr (using shell temporarily)
call s:GPGDebug(1, "decrypting file")
let cmd = { 'level': 1, 'ex': silent . 'r !' }
- let cmd.args = '--quiet --decrypt ' . shellescape(filename, 1)
+ let cmd.args = '--quiet --decrypt ' . s:shellescape(filename, 1)
call s:GPGExecute(cmd)
if (v:shell_error) " message could not be decrypted
$mark ]
let &undolevels = levels
" call the autocommand for the file minus .gpg$
- silent execute ':doautocmd BufReadPost ' . fnameescape(expand('<afile>:r'))
- call s:GPGDebug(2, 'called BufReadPost autocommand for ' . fnameescape(expand('<afile>:r')))
+ silent execute ':doautocmd BufReadPost ' . autocmd_filename
+ call s:GPGDebug(2, 'called BufReadPost autocommand for ' . autocmd_filename)
" call the autocommand for the file minus .gpg$
- silent execute ':doautocmd FileReadPost ' . fnameescape(expand('<afile>:r'))
- call s:GPGDebug(2, 'called FileReadPost autocommand for ' . fnameescape(expand('<afile>:r')))
+ silent execute ':doautocmd FileReadPost ' . autocmd_filename
+ call s:GPGDebug(2, 'called FileReadPost autocommand for ' . autocmd_filename)
" Allow the user to define actions for GnuPG buffers
let auType = 'FileWrite'
- silent exe ':doautocmd '. auType .'Pre '. fnameescape(expand('<afile>:r'))
- call s:GPGDebug(2, 'called '. auType .'Pre autocommand for ' . fnameescape(expand('<afile>:r')))
+ " file name minus extension
+ let autocmd_filename = fnameescape(expand('<afile>:r'))
+ silent exe ':doautocmd '. auType .'Pre '. autocmd_filename
+ call s:GPGDebug(2, 'called '. auType .'Pre autocommand for ' . autocmd_filename)
" store encoding and switch to a safe one
if (&fileencoding != &encoding)
let destfile = tempname()
let cmd = { 'level': 1, 'ex': "'[,']w !" }
let cmd.args = '--quiet --no-encrypt-to ' . options
- let cmd.redirect = '>' . shellescape(destfile, 1)
+ let cmd.redirect = '>' . s:shellescape(destfile, 1)
silent call s:GPGExecute(cmd)
" restore encoding
setl nomodified
- silent exe ':doautocmd '. auType .'Post '. fnameescape(expand('<afile>:r'))
- call s:GPGDebug(2, 'called '. auType .'Post autocommand for ' . fnameescape(expand('<afile>:r')))
+ silent exe ':doautocmd '. auType .'Post '. autocmd_filename
+ call s:GPGDebug(2, 'called '. auType .'Post autocommand for ' . autocmd_filename)
call s:GPGDebug(3, "<<<<<<<< Leaving s:GPGEncrypt()")
" ask gpg for the id for a name
let cmd = { 'level': 2 }
- let cmd.args = '--quiet --with-colons --fixed-list-mode --list-keys ' . shellescape(a:name)
+ let cmd.args = '--quiet --with-colons --fixed-list-mode --list-keys ' . s:shellescape(a:name)
let output = s:GPGSystem(cmd)
" when called with "--with-colons" gpg encodes its output _ALWAYS_ as UTF-8,
return uid
+" Function: s:GPGPreCmd() {{{2
+" Setup the environment for running the gpg command
function s:GPGPreCmd()
let &shellredir = s:shellredir
let &shell = s:shell
let &shelltemp = s:shelltemp
+ " Force C locale so GPG output is consistent
+ let s:messages = v:lang
+ language messages C
+" Function: s:GPGPostCmd() {{{2
+" Restore the user's environment after running the gpg command
function s:GPGPostCmd()
let &shellredir = s:shellredirsave
let &shell = s:shellsave
let &shelltemp = s:shelltempsave
+ execute 'language messages' s:messages
" Workaround a bug in the interaction between console vim and
" pinentry-curses by forcing Vim to re-detect and setup its terminal
" settings
function s:GPGSystem(dict)
let commandline = s:GPGCommand
if (!empty(g:GPGHomedir))
- let commandline .= ' --homedir ' . shellescape(g:GPGHomedir)
+ let commandline .= ' --homedir ' . s:shellescape(g:GPGHomedir)
let commandline .= ' ' . a:dict.args
let commandline .= ' ' . s:stderrredirnull
function s:GPGExecute(dict)
let commandline = printf('%s%s', a:dict.ex, s:GPGCommand)
if (!empty(g:GPGHomedir))
- let commandline .= ' --homedir ' . shellescape(g:GPGHomedir, 1)
+ let commandline .= ' --homedir ' . s:shellescape(g:GPGHomedir, 1)
let commandline .= ' ' . a:dict.args
if (has_key(a:dict, 'redirect'))