" Name: gnupg.vim
-" Last Change: 2015 Sep 29
+" Last Change: 2015 Dec 17
" Maintainer: James McCoy <vega.james@gmail.com>
" Original Author: Markus Braun <markus.braun@krawel.de>
" Summary: Vim plugin for transparent editing of gpg encrypted files.
" Variables: {{{2
" g:GPGExecutable
-" If set used as gpg executable, otherwise the system chooses what is run
-" when "gpg" is called. Defaults to "gpg --trust-model always".
+" If set used as gpg executable. If unset, defaults to
+" "gpg --trust-model always" if "gpg" is available, falling back to
+" "gpg2 --trust-model always" if not.
" g:GPGUseAgent
" If set to 0 a possible available gpg-agent won't be used. Defaults to 1.
" you will get a popup window the first time you open a file that
" needs to be decrypted.
+" If you're using Vim <7.4.959, after the plugin runs any external command,
+" Vim will no longer be able to yank to/paste from the X clipboard or
+" primary selections. This is caused by a workaround for a different bug
+" where Vim no longer recognizes the key codes for keys such as the arrow
+" keys after running GnuPG. See the discussion at
+" https://github.com/jamessan/vim-gnupg/issues/36 for more details.
" Credits: {{{2
" - Mathieu Clabaut for inspirations through his vimspell.vim script.
" check what gpg command to use
if (!exists("g:GPGExecutable"))
- let g:GPGExecutable = "gpg --trust-model always"
+ if executable("gpg")
+ let g:GPGExecutable = "gpg --trust-model always"
+ else
+ let g:GPGExecutable = "gpg2 --trust-model always"
+ endif
" check if gpg-agent is allowed
let start = start + strlen("gpg: public key is ")
let recipient = matchstr(output, s:keyPattern, start)
call s:GPGDebug(1, "recipient is " . recipient)
- let name = s:GPGNameToID(recipient)
- if !empty(name)
- let b:GPGRecipients += [name]
- call s:GPGDebug(1, "name of recipient is " . name)
- else
- let b:GPGRecipients += [recipient]
- echohl GPGWarning
- echom "The recipient \"" . recipient . "\" is not in your public keyring!"
- echohl None
+ " In order to support anonymous communication, GnuPG allows eliding
+ " information in the encryption metadata specifying what keys the file
+ " was encrypted to (c.f., --throw-keyids and --hidden-recipient). In
+ " that case, the recipient(s) will be listed as having used a key of all
+ " zeroes.
+ " Since this will obviously never actually be in a keyring, only try to
+ " convert to an ID or add to the recipients list if it's not a hidden
+ " recipient.
+ if recipient !~? '^0x0\+$'
+ let name = s:GPGNameToID(recipient)
+ if !empty(name)
+ let b:GPGRecipients += [name]
+ call s:GPGDebug(1, "name of recipient is " . name)
+ else
+ let b:GPGRecipients += [recipient]
+ echohl GPGWarning
+ echom "The recipient \"" . recipient . "\" is not in your public keyring!"
+ echohl None
+ end
let start = match(output, asymmPattern, start)
1mark [
$mark ]
let &undolevels = levels
+ let &readonly = filereadable(filename) && filewritable(filename) == 0
" call the autocommand for the file minus .gpg$
silent execute ':doautocmd BufReadPost ' . autocmd_filename
call s:GPGDebug(2, 'called BufReadPost autocommand for ' . autocmd_filename)
- call rename(destfile, resolve(expand('<afile>')))
+ let filename = resolve(expand('<afile>'))
+ if rename(destfile, filename)
+ " Rename failed, so clean up the tempfile
+ call delete(destfile)
+ echohl GPGError
+ echom printf("\"%s\" E212: Can't open file for writing", filename)
+ echohl None
+ return
+ endif
if auType == 'BufWrite'
setl nomodified
+ let &readonly = filereadable(filename) && filewritable(filename) == 0
silent exe ':doautocmd '. auType .'Post '. autocmd_filename