-- The limit layout displays only one window in the lower pane, thanks to to
-- Qantourisc (2010-06-12 15:15 CEST) for the hint to use TwoPane.
-myLayoutHook = named "Default" (smartBorders $ Mirror tiled)
- ||| named "Full" (smartBorders Full)
- ||| named "Vertical" (smartBorders tiled)
- ||| named "Limit" (smartBorders $ Mirror $ TwoPane delta ratio)
+myLayoutHook =
+ named "Default" (smartBorders $ Mirror tiled)
+ ||| named "Full" (smartBorders Full)
+ ||| named "Vertical" (smartBorders tiled)
+ ||| named "Limit" (smartBorders $ Mirror $ TwoPane delta ratio)
-- Default tiling algorithm partitions the screen into two panes.
tiled = Tall nmaster delta ratio