" Don't store swap files in the same directory as the edited file.
set directory-=.
-" But store them in ~/.tmp if available or ~/tmp (used by default).
+" But store them in ~/.tmp or ~/tmp (already set by default) if available.
set directory^=~/.tmp
" Disable modelines as they may cause security problems. Instead use
" Activate spell checking, use English as default.
if exists('+spell') && has('syntax')
- " But not when diffing as spell checking is distracting in this case.
+ " But not when diffing because spell checking is distracting in this case.
if !&diff
set spell
\ '| call matchadd("Todo", l:x)'
\ '| endfor'
-" Highlight unicode whitespace which is no normal whitespace (0x20).
+" Highlight Unicode whitespace which is no normal whitespace (0x20).
let l:spaces = ['00a0', '1680', '180e', '2000', '2001', '2002',
\ '2003', '2004', '2005', '2006', '2007', '2008',
\ '2009', '200a', '200b', '200c', '200d', '202f',