add-zsh-hook chpwd prompt_chpwd
- # Call vcs_info as precmd before every prompt.
- prompt_precmd() {
- vcs_info
- }
- add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_precmd
# Display the VCS information in the right prompt.
if [[ $ZSH_VERSION == (4.3.<9->|4.<4->*|<5->*) ]]; then
RPROMPT='${vcs_info_msg_0_:- }'
# Set the default prompt. The current host and working directory is displayed,
# The prompt is in green and blue to make easily detectable, the error exit
# code in red and bold and the job count in yellow.
-PROMPT="$green%B%m%b$default:$blue%B%~%b$default \
+prompt_precmd() {
+ # Call vcs_info before every prompt.
+ if [[ -n $RUN_VCS_INFO ]]; then
+ vcs_info
+ fi
+ PROMPT="$green%B%m%b$default:$blue%B%~%b$default \
%(1j.$yellow%j$default.)%# \
%(?..($red%B%?%b$default%) )"
+add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_precmd
-unset red blue green yellow default
# When screen, xterm or rxvt is used set the name of the window to the
# currently running program.