+zmodload -F zsh/stat b:zstat
+# Remember startup time. Used to perform automatic restarts when ~/.zshrc is
+# modified.
+# Automatically restart Zsh if ~/.zshrc was modified.
+zshrc_restart_precmd() {
+ local stat
+ if ! zstat -A stat +mtime ~/.zshrc; then
+ return
+ fi
+ # ~/.zshrc wasn't modified, nothing to do.
+ if [[ $stat -le $zshrc_startup_time ]]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ local startup
+ strftime -s startup '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' "$zshrc_startup_time"
+ echo -n "${fg[magenta]}"
+ echo -n "~/.zshrc modified since startup ($startup) ... "
+ echo -n "${fg[default]}"
+ if [[ -n $zshrc_disable_restart ]]; then
+ echo 'automatic restart disabled.'
+ return
+ fi
+ # Don't exec if we have background processes because execing will let us
+ # lose control over them.
+ if [[ ${#${(k)jobstates}} -ne 0 ]]; then
+ echo 'active background jobs!'
+ return
+ fi
+ # Try to start a new interactive shell. If it fails, something is wrong.
+ # Don't kill our current session by execing it.
+ zsh -i -c 'exit 42'
+ if [[ $? -ne 42 ]]; then
+ echo -n "${fg_bold[red]}"
+ echo 'failed to start new zsh!'
+ echo -n "${fg_bold[default]}"
+ return
+ fi
+ echo 'restarting zsh.'
+ echo
+ exec zsh
source_debug '. ~/.zsh/rc (done)'
# vim: ft=zsh