. ~/.shell/functions
-source_debug ". ~/.bash/rc"
source_config ~/.shell/env
source_config ~/.bash/rc.local
-source_debug ". ~/.bash/rc (done)"
# vim: ft=sh
# along with this file. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-source_debug ". ~/.shell/env"
# Use UTF-8 encoding in the terminal. Don't use LC_ALL as it's used for
# debugging purposes. Thanks to twb in #screen on Freenode (2009-10-02 10:25
# CET).
# *--------------------- directory
-source_debug ". ~/.shell/env (done)"
# vim: ft=sh
# along with this file. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# Helper function to print debug information if $DEBUG is not empty.
-# Doesn't fit perfectly in this file, but this is the best place to make it
-# available everywhere.
-source_debug() {
- if test "x$DEBUG" != x; then
- printf '%s' "$*"
- fi
# Source $1 if it exists. And $1.local if it exists as well.
source_config() {
- source_debug "source_config(): $1"
if test -f "$1"; then
- source_debug ". $1"
. "$1"
if test -f "$1.local"; then
- source_debug ". $1.local"
. "$1.local"
. ~/.shell/functions
-source_debug ". ~/.zsh/env"
source_config ~/.shell/env
source_config ~/.zsh/env.local
-source_debug ". ~/.zsh/env (done)"
# vim: ft=zsh
# along with this file. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-source_debug '. ~/.zsh/rc'
# Warn when creating global variables from inside a function. Needs to be set
# before declaring a function.
setopt warn_create_global
-source_debug '. ~/.zsh/rc (done)'
# vim: ft=zsh