augroup END
+" Function to enable all custom highlights. Necessary as highlights are
+" window-local and thus must be set for each new window.
+ function! s:CustomSyntaxHighlights()
+ " Not the first time called, nothing to do.
+ if exists('w:vimrc_syntax_run')
+ return
+ endif
+ let w:vimrc_syntax_run = 1
" Highlight lines longer than 78 characters. Thanks to Tony Mechelynck
" <> from the Vim mailing list. It can easily be
" disabled when necessary with :2match (in Vim >= 700).
call matchadd('Error', '\%u' . s:x)
+ endfunction
+" Enable highlights for the current and all new windows. Thanks to bairui in
+" #vim on Freenode (2012-04-01 00:22 CEST) for the WinEnter suggestion.
+ call <SID>CustomSyntaxHighlights()
+ if has('autocmd')
+ augroup vimrc
+ autocmd WinEnter * call <SID>CustomSyntaxHighlights()
+ augroup END
+ endif
" Settings for specific filetypes.