# Colorize stderr. Very useful when looking for errors. Thanks to
-# http://gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Zsh
-exec 2>>(while read line; do
- print '\e[91m'${(q)line}'\e[0m' > /dev/tty; print -n $'\0'; done &)
+# http://gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Zsh for the basic script and Mikachu in #zsh on
+# Freenode (2010-03-07 04:03) for some improvements (-r, printf). It's not yet
+# perfect and doesn't work with some interactive stderr output, but in those
+# cases the E alias can be used as workaround.
+exec 2>>(while read -r line; do
+ printf '\e[91m%s\e[0m\n' "$line"
+ print -n $'\0';
+done &)
# Make sure aliases are expanded when using sudo.
alias sudo='sudo '