# Use colorized output, necessary for prompts and completions.
autoload -U colors && colors
+# Necessary for $EPOCHSECONDS, the UNIX time.
+zmodload zsh/datetime
# Some shortcuts for colors. The %{...%} tells zsh that the data in between
# doesn't need any space, necessary for correct prompt draw.
local red="%{${fg[red]}%}"
# code in red and bold and the job count in yellow.
# Thanks to Adam's prompt for the basic idea of this prompt.
+# The current time is display in hex in the right prompt.
prompt_precmd() {
# Regex to remove elements which take no space. Used to calculate the
# width of the top prompt. Thanks to Bart's and Adam's prompt code in
$green%B%n%b$default@$green%B%m%b$default %(1j.$yellow%j$default.)%# \
%(?..($red%B%?%b$default%) )"
+ # Display current time in hex in right prompt in bright blue.
+ RPROMPT="$blue%B0x$(( [##16] EPOCHSECONDS ))%b$default"
add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_precmd