autocmd InsertLeave * set ignorecase
+" Display a warning when editing a file which contains "do not edit" (ignoring
+" the case, \c), for example template files which were preprocessed or
+" auto-generated files. Especially useful when the header is not displayed on
+" the first screen, e.g. when the old position is restored. Not for vimrc
+" though.
+ function! s:SearchForDoNotEditHeader()
+ if search('\cdo not edit', 'n') == 0
+ \ || expand('<afile>:t') =~# '^.\?vimrc$'
+ return
+ endif
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ echo 'Do not edit this file! (Maybe a template file.)'
+ echohl None
+ endfunction
+ autocmd BufRead * call <SID>SearchForDoNotEditHeader()
" Disable spell checking for files which don't need it.