" Highlight lines longer than 78 characters. Thanks to Tony Mechelynck
" <antoine.mechelynck@gmail.com> from the Vim mailing list. It can easily be
" disabled when necessary with :2match (in Vim >= 700).
- if exists(':2match')
- 2match Todo /\%>78v./
- else
- match Todo /\%>78v./
- endif
+ if exists(':2match')
+ 2match Todo /\%>78v./
+ else
+ match Todo /\%>78v./
+ endif
- if exists('*matchadd')
+ if exists('*matchadd')
" Highlight some important keywords in all documents.
- for s:x in ['TODO', 'XXX', 'FIXME', 'CHANGED', 'REMOVED', 'DELETED']
- call matchadd('Todo', s:x)
- endfor
+ for s:x in ['TODO', 'XXX', 'FIXME',
+ call matchadd('Todo', s:x)
+ endfor
" Highlight unicode whitespace which is no normal whitespace (0x20).
- for s:x in ['00a0', '1680', '180e', '2000', '2001', '2002', '2003',
- \ '2004', '2005', '2006', '2007', '2008', '2009', '200a',
- \ '200b', '200c', '200d', '202f', '205f', '2060', '3000',
- \ 'feff']
- call matchadd('Error', '\%u' . s:x)
- endfor
- endif
+ for s:x in ['00a0', '1680', '180e', '2000', '2001', '2002',
+ \ '2003', '2004', '2005', '2006', '2007', '2008',
+ \ '2009', '200a', '200b', '200c', '200d', '202f',
+ \ '205f', '2060', '3000', 'feff']
+ call matchadd('Error', '\%u' . s:x)
+ endfor
+ endif
" Enable highlights for the current and all new windows. Thanks to bairui in
" #vim on Freenode (2012-04-01 00:22 CEST) for the WinEnter suggestion.