setopt incappendhistory
# If the same command is run multiple times store it only once in the history.
setopt histignoredups
-# Vim like completions of previous executed commands.
-bindkey "^P" history-beginning-search-backward
-bindkey "^N" history-beginning-search-forward
+# Vim like completions of previous executed commands (also enter Vi-mode). If
+# called at the beginning it just recalls old commands (like cursor up), if
+# called after typing something only likes starting with the typed are
+# returned. Very useful to get old commands quickly. Thanks to Mikachu in #zsh
+# on Freenode (2010-01-17 12:47) for the information how to a function with
+# bindkey.
+zle -N my-vi-history-beginning-search-backward
+my-vi-history-beginning-search-backward() {
+ local not_at_beginning_of_line
+ if [[ $CURSOR -ne 0 ]]; then
+ not_at_beginning_of_line=yes
+ fi
+ zle history-beginning-search-backward
+ # Start Vi-mode and stay at the same position (Vi-mode modes one left,
+ # this counters it).
+ zle vi-cmd-mode
+ if [[ -n $not_at_beginning_of_line ]]; then
+ zle vi-forward-char
+ fi
+bindkey "^P" my-vi-history-beginning-search-backward
+bindkey -a "^P" history-beginning-search-backward # binding for Vi-mode
+# Here only Vi-mode is necessary as ^P enters Vi-mode and ^N only makes sense
+# after calling ^P.
+bindkey -a "^N" history-beginning-search-forward