The package golang-1.16 is no longer available. Sid now uses
golang-1.17, making the old workaround unnecessary.
.template-docker: &template-docker
- apt-get update
- - apt-get install --no-install-recommends --yes build-essential ca-certificates git golang golang-1.16 golang-golang-x-tools make openssh-server shellcheck
+ - apt-get install --no-install-recommends --yes build-essential ca-certificates git golang golang-golang-x-tools make openssh-server shellcheck
# Gitlab-runner uses umask 0000 (wtf?!) and mixes nobody and root user
# when setting up the environment. This breaks ssh's permission check on
# authorized_keys.
- chown -R root:root /builds
- chmod -R go-w /builds
- # NOTE: golang is still using golang-1.15
- - mkdir -p $HOME/go/bin
- - ln -sf /usr/lib/go-1.16/bin/go $HOME/go/bin
- - ln -sf /usr/lib/go-1.16/bin/gofmt $HOME/go/bin
- mkdir /run/sshd
- ./ci/run