# called at the beginning it just recalls old commands (like cursor up), if
# called after typing something, only lines starting with the typed are
# returned. Very useful to get old commands quickly. Thanks to Mikachu in #zsh
-# on Freenode (2010-01-17 12:47) for the information how to a use function
+# on Freenode (2010-01-17 12:47 CET) for the information how to a use function
# with bindkey.
zle -N my-vi-history-beginning-search-backward
my-vi-history-beginning-search-backward() {
# changes are detected in the repository; check-for-changes must be set to
# true for this to work. Thanks to Bart Trojanowski
# (http://jukie.net/~bart/blog/pimping-out-zsh-prompt) for the idea
- # (2010-03-11 00:20).
+ # (2010-03-11 00:20 CET).
zstyle ':vcs_info:*' unstagedstr '¹'
zstyle ':vcs_info:*' stagedstr '²'
zmodload zsh/complist
# Use new completion system, store dumpfile in ~/.zsh/cache to prevent
# cluttering of ~/. $fpath must be set before calling this. Thanks to Adlai in
-# #zsh on Freenode (2009-08-07 21:05) for reminding me of the $fpath problem.
+# #zsh on Freenode (2009-08-07 21:05 CEST) for reminding me of the $fpath
+# problem.
autoload -U compinit && compinit -d ~/.zsh/cache/zcompdump
# Use cache to speed up completions.
# complete to the same and change it.
zstyle ':completion:*:(mv|cp):*' ignore-line no
# Don't complete ./config.* files, this makes running ./configure much
-# simpler. Thanks to Nomexous in #zsh on Freenode (2010-03-16 01:54)
+# simpler. Thanks to Nomexous in #zsh on Freenode (2010-03-16 01:54 CET)
zstyle ':completion:*:*:-command-:*' ignored-patterns './config.*'
# Don't complete unwanted files with Vim. Thanks to Nomexous in #zsh on
# Colorize stderr in red. Very useful when looking for errors. Thanks to
# http://gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Zsh for the basic script and Mikachu in #zsh on
-# Freenode (2010-03-07 04:03) for some improvements (-r, printf). It's not yet
-# perfect and doesn't work with su and git for example, but it can handle most
-# interactive output quite well (even with no trailing new line) and in cases
-# it doesn't work, the E alias can be used as workaround.
+# Freenode (2010-03-07 04:03 CET) for some improvements (-r, printf). It's not
+# yet perfect and doesn't work with su and git for example, but it can handle
+# most interactive output quite well (even with no trailing new line) and in
+# cases it doesn't work, the E alias can be used as workaround.
exec 2>>(while read -r -k -u 0 line; do
printf '\e[91m%s\e[0m' "$line";
print -n $'\0';