1 # Zsh configuration file.
4 source_debug ". ~/.zsh/rc"
8 # Be paranoid, new files are readable/writable by me only.
14 # Prevent overwriting existing files with '> filename', use '>| filename'
18 # Entering the name of a directory (if it's not a command) will automatically
19 # cd to that directory.
22 # When entering a nonexistent command name automatically try to find a similar
26 # Enable zsh's extended glob abilities.
29 # Don't exit if <C-d> is pressed.
35 # Not all bindings are done here, only those not specific to a given section.
37 # Use Vi(m) style key bindings.
40 # Also use jj to exit insert mode.
41 bindkey 'jj' vi-cmd-mode
43 # I don't need the arrow keys, I use ^N and ^P for this (see below).
44 bindkey -r '^[OA' '^[OB' '^[OC' '^[OD' '^[[A' '^[[B' '^[[C' '^[[D'
45 # Also not in Vi mode.
46 bindkey -a -r '^[OA' '^[OB' '^[OC' '^[OD' '^[[A' '^[[B' '^[[C' '^[[D'
51 # Make sure every entry in $fpath is unique.
53 # ~/.zsh/functions/completion is a symbolic link to the Completion directory
54 # of a Zsh CVS checkout. Use it to get the newest completions if available.
55 if [[ -d ~/.zsh/functions/completion ]]; then
56 fpath=(~/.zsh/functions/completion/*/*(/) $fpath)
58 # Set correct fpath to allow loading my functions (including completion
60 fpath=(~/.zsh/functions $fpath)
61 # Autoload my functions (except completion functions and hidden files). Thanks
62 # to caphuso from the Zsh example files for this idea.
63 if [[ -d ~/.zsh/functions ]]; then
64 autoload ${fpath[1]}/^_*(^/:t)
67 # Simulate hooks using _functions arrays for Zsh versions older than 4.3.4. At
68 # the moment only precmd(), preexec() and chpwd() are simulated.
70 # At least 4.3.4 (not sure about later versions) has an error in add-zsh-hook
71 # so the compatibility version is used there too.
72 if [[ $ZSH_VERSION != (4.3.<5->|4.<4->*|<5->*) ]]; then
73 # Provide add-zsh-hook which was added in 4.3.4.
74 fpath=(~/.zsh/functions/compatibility $fpath)
76 # Run all functions defined in the ${precmd,preexec,chpwd}_functions
79 for function in $precmd_functions; do
84 for function in $preexec_functions; do
89 for function in $chpwd_functions; do
95 # Autoload add-zsh-hook to add/remove zsh hook functions easily.
96 autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
98 # Load zmv (zsh move) which is powerful to rename files.
104 # Use history and store it in ~/.zsh/history.
107 HISTFILE=~/.zsh/history
108 # Append to the history file instead of overwriting it and do it immediately
109 # when a command is executed.
111 setopt incappendhistory
112 # If the same command is run multiple times store it only once in the history.
113 setopt histignoredups
114 # Vim like completions of previous executed commands (also enter Vi-mode). If
115 # called at the beginning it just recalls old commands (like cursor up), if
116 # called after typing something, only lines starting with the typed are
117 # returned. Very useful to get old commands quickly. Thanks to Mikachu in #zsh
118 # on Freenode (2010-01-17 12:47) for the information how to a use function
120 zle -N my-vi-history-beginning-search-backward
121 my-vi-history-beginning-search-backward() {
122 local not_at_beginning_of_line
123 if [[ $CURSOR -ne 0 ]]; then
124 not_at_beginning_of_line=yes
127 zle history-beginning-search-backward
129 # Start Vi-mode and stay at the same position (Vi-mode moves one left,
132 if [[ -n $not_at_beginning_of_line ]]; then
136 bindkey '^P' my-vi-history-beginning-search-backward
137 bindkey -a '^P' history-beginning-search-backward # binding for Vi-mode
138 # Here only Vi-mode is necessary as ^P enters Vi-mode and ^N only makes sense
140 bindkey -a '^N' history-beginning-search-forward
145 # Use colorized output, necessary for prompts and completions.
146 autoload -U colors && colors
148 # Some shortcuts for colors. The %{...%} tells zsh that the data in between
149 # doesn't need any space, necessary for correct prompt draw.
150 local red="%{${fg[red]}%}"
151 local blue="%{${fg[blue]}%}"
152 local green="%{${fg[green]}%}"
153 local yellow="%{${fg[yellow]}%}"
154 local default="%{${fg[default]}%}"
156 # vcs_info was added in 4.3.9 but it works in earlier versions too. So load it
157 # if the necessary files are available in ~/.zsh/functions/vcs_info (often a
158 # symbolic link to current checkout of Zsh's sources).
159 if [[ $ZSH_VERSION == (4.3.<9->|4.<4->*|<5->*) ||
160 -d ~/.zsh/functions/vcs_info ]]; then
161 # Update fpath to allow loading the vcs_info functions.
162 if [[ -d ~/.zsh/functions/vcs_info ]]; then
163 fpath=(~/.zsh/functions/vcs_info/
164 ~/.zsh/functions/vcs_info/Backends
168 # Load vcs_info to display information about version control repositories.
169 autoload -Uz vcs_info
170 # Only look for git and mercurial repositories; the only I use.
171 zstyle ':vcs_info:*' enable git hg
172 # Check the repository for changes so they can be used in %u/%c (see
173 # below). This comes with a speed penalty for bigger repositories.
174 zstyle ':vcs_info:*' check-for-changes true
176 # Set style of vcs_info display. The current branch (green) and VCS (blue)
177 # is displayed. If there is an special action going on (merge, rebase)
178 # it's also displayed (red). Also display if there are unstaged or staged
180 if [[ $ZSH_VERSION == (4.3.<11->|4.<4->*|<5->*) ||
181 -d ~/.zsh/functions/vcs_info ]]; then
182 zstyle ':vcs_info:*' formats \
183 "($green%b%u%c$default:$blue%s$default)"
184 zstyle ':vcs_info:*' actionformats \
185 "($green%b%u%c$default/$red%a$default:$blue%s$default)"
187 # In older versions %u and %c are not defined yet and are not
188 # correctly expanded.
189 zstyle ':vcs_info:*' formats \
190 "($green%b$default:$blue%s$default)"
191 zstyle ':vcs_info:*' actionformats \
192 "($green%b$default/$red%a$default:$blue%s$default)"
194 # Set style for formats/actionformats when unstaged (%u) and staged (%c)
195 # changes are detected in the repository; check-for-changes must be set to
196 # true for this to work. Thanks to Bart Trojanowski
197 # (http://jukie.net/~bart/blog/pimping-out-zsh-prompt) for the idea
198 # (2010-03-11 00:20).
199 zstyle ':vcs_info:*' unstagedstr '¹'
200 zstyle ':vcs_info:*' stagedstr '²'
202 # Default to running vcs_info. If possible we prevent running it later for
203 # speed reasons. If set to a non empty value vcs_info is run.
206 # Cache system inspired by Bart Trojanowski
207 # (http://jukie.net/~bart/blog/pimping-out-zsh-prompt).
208 #zstyle ':vcs_info:*+pre-get-data:*' hooks pre-get-data
210 # Only Git and Mercurial support and need caching. Abort if any other
212 [[ "$vcs" != git && "$vcs" != hg ]] && return
214 # If the shell just started up or we changed directories (or for other
215 # custom reasons) we must run vcs_info.
216 if [[ -n $FORCE_RUN_VCS_INFO ]]; then
221 # Don't run vcs_info by default to speed up the shell.
223 # If a git/hg command was run then run vcs_info as the status might
224 # need to be updated.
225 case "$(fc -ln $(($HISTCMD-1)))" in
235 # Must run vcs_info when changing directories.
239 add-zsh-hook chpwd prompt_chpwd
241 # Used by prompt code below to determine if vcs_info should be run.
247 # Set the prompt. A two line prompt is used. On the top left the current
248 # working directory is displayed, on the right vcs_info (if available). On the
249 # bottom left current user name and host is shown, the exit code of the last
250 # command if it wasn't 0, the number of running jobs if not 0.
252 # The prompt is in green and blue to make easily detectable, the error exit
253 # code in red and bold and the job count in yellow.
255 # Thanks to Adam's prompt for the basic idea of this prompt.
257 # Regex to remove elements which take no space. Used to calculate the
258 # width of the top prompt. Thanks to Bart's and Adam's prompt code in
259 # Functions/Prompts/prompt_*_setup.
260 local zero='%([BSUbfksu]|([FB]|){*})'
262 # Call vcs_info before every prompt.
263 if [[ -n $RUN_VCS_INFO ]]; then
269 local width width_left width_right
270 local top_left top_right
272 # Display vcs_info (if used) on the right in the top prompt.
273 top_right="${vcs_info_msg_0_}"
274 width_right=${#${(S%%)top_right//$~zero/}}
275 # Remove vcs_info if it would get too long.
276 if [[ $(( COLUMNS - 4 - 1 - width_right )) -lt 0 ]]; then
281 # Display current directory on the left in the top prompt. Truncate the
282 # directory if necessary.
283 width=$(( COLUMNS - 4 - 1 - width_right ))
284 top_left=".-$default%b($yellow%$width<..<%~%<<$default)%B$blue"
286 # Calculate the width of the top prompt to fill the middle with "-".
287 width_left=${#${(S%%)top_left//$~zero/}}
288 width_right=${#${(S%%)top_right//$~zero/}}
289 width=$(( COLUMNS - width_left - width_right ))
291 PROMPT="$blue%B$top_left${(l:$width::-:)}%b$default$top_right
293 $green%B%n%b$default@$green%B%m%b$default %(1j.$yellow%j$default.)%# \
294 %(?..($red%B%?%b$default%) )"
297 add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_precmd
300 # When screen, xterm or rxvt is used set the name of the window to the
301 # currently running program.
303 # When a program is started preexec() sets the window's name to it; when it
304 # stops precmd() resets the window's name to 'zsh'.
306 # It works with screen, xterm and rxvt.
308 # If a command is run with sudo or if the shell is running as root then a ! is
309 # added at the beginning of the command to make this clear. If a command is
310 # running on a different computer with ssh a @ is added at the beginning. If
311 # screen is running on the remote machine instead of @screen @:hostname
312 # (hostname replaced by the machine's hostname) is displayed. This only works
313 # if the .zshrc on the server also uses this command.
315 # screen* is necessary as `screen` uses screen.linux for example for a linux
317 if [[ $TERM == screen* || $TERM == xterm* || $TERM == rxvt* ]]; then
318 # Is set to a non empty value to reset the window name in the next
321 # Is set to a non empty value when the shell is running as root.
322 if [[ $UID -eq 0 ]]; then
327 # Get the program name with its arguments.
328 local program_name=$1
330 # When sudo is used use real program name instead, but with an
331 # exclamation mark at the beginning (handled below).
333 if [[ $program_name == sudo* ]]; then
334 program_name=${program_name#sudo }
337 # Remove all arguments from the program name.
338 program_name=${program_name%% *}
340 # Ignore often used commands which are only running for a very short
341 # time. This prevents a "blinking" name when it's changed to "cd" for
342 # example and then some milliseconds later back to "zsh".
343 [[ $program_name == (cd*|d|ls|l|la|ll|clear|c) ]] && return
345 # Change my shortcuts so the real name of the program is displayed.
346 case $program_name in
361 # Add an exclamation mark at the beginning if running with sudo or if
362 # running zsh as root.
363 if [[ -n $program_sudo || -n $window_root ]]; then
364 program_name=!$program_name
367 # Add an at mark at the beginning if running through ssh on a
368 # different computer.
369 if [[ -n $SSH_CONNECTION ]]; then
370 program_name="@$program_name"
372 # If screen is running in SSH then display "@:hostname" as title
373 # in the term/outer screen.
374 if [[ $program_name == @screen ]]; then
375 program_name="@:${HOST//.*/}"
376 # Use "@:!hostname" for root screens.
377 elif [[ $program_name == @!screen ]]; then
378 program_name="@:!${HOST//.*/}"
382 # Set the window name to the currently running program.
383 window_title "$program_name"
385 # Tell precmd() to reset the window name when the program stops.
390 # Abort if no window name reset is necessary.
391 [[ -z $window_reset ]] && return
393 # Reset the window name to 'zsh'.
395 # If the function was called with an argument then reset the window
396 # name to '.zsh' (used by clear alias).
401 # Prepend prefixes like in window_preexec().
402 if [[ -n $window_root ]]; then
405 if [[ -n $SSH_CONNECTION ]]; then
410 # Just reset the name, so no screen reset necessary for the moment.
414 # Sets the window title. Works with screen, xterm and rxvt. (V) escapes
415 # all non-printable characters. Thanks to Mikachu in #zsh on Freenode
416 # (2010-08-07 17:09 CEST).
417 if [[ $TERM == screen* ]]; then
419 print -n "\ek${(V)1}\e\\"
421 elif [[ $TERM == xterm* || $TERM == rxvt* ]]; then
423 print -n "\e]2;${(V)1}\e\\"
426 # Fallback if another TERM is used.
430 # Add the preexec() and precmd() hooks.
431 add-zsh-hook preexec window_preexec
432 add-zsh-hook precmd window_precmd
434 # Fallback if another TERM is used, necessary to run screen (see below in
442 # Load the complist module which provides additions to completion lists
443 # (coloring, scrollable).
444 zmodload zsh/complist
445 # Use new completion system, store dumpfile in ~/.zsh/cache to prevent
446 # cluttering of ~/. $fpath must be set before calling this. Thanks to Adlai in
447 # #zsh on Freenode (2009-08-07 21:05) for reminding me of the $fpath problem.
448 autoload -U compinit && compinit -d ~/.zsh/cache/zcompdump
450 # Use cache to speed up completions.
451 zstyle ':completion:*' use-cache on
452 zstyle ':completion:*' cache-path ~/.zsh/cache
454 # Complete arguments and fix spelling mistakes when possible.
455 zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _match _correct _approximate
457 # Make sure the list of possible completions is displayed after pressing <TAB>
459 setopt nolistambiguous
460 # Allow completions in the middle of a text, i.e. "/usr/bin/<TAB>whatever"
461 # completes like "/usr/bin/<TAB>". Useful when adding new options to commands.
462 bindkey '^I' expand-or-complete-prefix
463 # Try uppercase if the currently typed string doesn't match. This allows
464 # typing in lowercase most of the time and completion fixes the case.
465 zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list '' 'm:{a-z}={A-Z}'
467 # Use ls like colors for completions.
468 zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}
470 # Make completion lists scrollable so "do you wish to see all n possibilities"
471 # is no longer displayed.
472 zstyle ':completion:*' list-prompt '%p'
473 # Display group name (like 'external command', 'alias', etc.) when there are
474 # multiple matches in bold.
475 zstyle ':completion:*' format ' %B%d%b:'
476 # Display different types of matches separately.
477 zstyle ':completion:*' group-name ''
479 # Ignore completion functions.
480 zstyle ':completion:*:functions' ignored-patterns '_*'
481 # Ignore parent directory.
482 zstyle ':completion:*:(cd|mv|cp):*' ignore-parents parent pwd
483 # Always complete one value (file name) only once in the current line. This
484 # makes it easy to complete multiple values because I can just press tab to
485 # get all possible values. Otherwise I would have to skip the first value
487 zstyle ':completion:*' ignore-line yes
488 # Except for mv and cp, because I often want to use to similar names, so I
489 # complete to the same and change it.
490 zstyle ':completion:*:(mv|cp):*' ignore-line no
491 # Don't complete ./config.* files, this makes running ./configure much
492 # simpler. Thanks to Nomexous in #zsh on Freenode (2010-03-16 01:54)
493 zstyle ':completion:*:*:-command-:*' ignored-patterns './config.*'
495 # Don't complete unwanted files with Vim. Thanks to Nomexous in #zsh on
496 # Freenode (2010-06-06 04:54 CEST). See below to complete them.
497 zstyle ':completion:*:*:vim:*:all-files' ignored-patterns '*.aux' '*.log' \
500 # Provide a fallback completer which always completes files. Useful when Zsh's
501 # completion is too "smart". Thanks to Frank Terbeck <ft@bewatermyfriend.org>
502 # (http://www.zsh.org/mla/users/2009/msg01038.html).
503 zle -C complete-files complete-word _generic
504 zstyle ':completion:complete-files:*' completer _files
505 bindkey '^F' complete-files
510 # If ^C is pressed while typing a command, add it to the history so it can be
511 # easily retrieved later and then abort like ^C normally does. This is useful
512 # when I want to abort an command to do something in between and then finish
513 # typing the command.
515 # Thanks to Vadim Zeitlin <vz-zsh@zeitlins.org> for a fix (--) so lines
516 # starting with - don't cause errors; and to Nadav Har'El
517 # <nyh@math.technion.ac.il> for a fix (-r) to handle whitespace/quotes
518 # correctly, both on the Zsh mailing list.
520 # Store the current buffer in the history.
521 zle && print -s -r -- $BUFFER
523 # Return the default exit code so Zsh aborts the current command.
527 # Colorize stderr in red. Very useful when looking for errors. Thanks to
528 # http://gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Zsh for the basic script and Mikachu in #zsh on
529 # Freenode (2010-03-07 04:03) for some improvements (-r, printf). It's not yet
530 # perfect and doesn't work with su and git for example, but it can handle most
531 # interactive output quite well (even with no trailing new line) and in cases
532 # it doesn't work, the E alias can be used as workaround.
533 exec 2>>(while read -r -k -u 0 line; do
534 printf '\e[91m%s\e[0m' "$line";
538 # Load aliases and similar functions also used by other shells.
539 if [[ -f ~/.shell/aliases ]]; then
543 # Make sure aliases are expanded when using sudo.
546 # Global aliases for often used commands in the command line.
548 alias -g L='E | less'
549 alias -g D='E | colordiff L'
556 # Make going up directories simple.
558 alias -g ....='../../..'
559 alias -g .....='../../../..'
561 # If the window naming feature is used (see above) then use ".zsh" (leading
562 # dot) as title name after running clear so it's clear to me that the window
563 # is empty. I open so much windows that I don't know in which I have something
564 # important. This helps me to remember which windows are empty (I run clear
565 # after I finished my work in a window).
566 if [[ -n $window_reset ]]; then
567 alias clear='clear; window_reset=yes; window_precmd reset'
570 # Display all branches (except stash) in gitk but only 200 commits as this is
571 # much faster. Also put in the background and disown. Thanks to sitaram in
572 # #git on Freenode (2009-04-20 15:51).
576 $(git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name --remotes --branches) \
580 # Same for tig (except the disown part as it's no GUI program).
584 $(git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name --remotes --branches) \
588 # Pipe output through less.
590 command tree -C "$@" | less
593 # Automatically disown.
602 if [[ $OSTYPE == linux* ]]; then
603 # Settings when creating Debian packages.
604 DEBEMAIL=simon@ruderich.org
606 DEBFULLNAME='Simon Ruderich'
613 source_config ~/.zsh/rc.local
618 # If not already in screen reattach to a running session or create a new one.
619 # This also starts screen one a remote server when connecting through ssh.
620 if [[ $TERM != dumb && $TERM != linux && -z $STY ]]; then
621 # Get running detached sessions.
622 session=$(screen -list | grep 'Detached' | awk '{ print $1; exit }')
624 # As we exec later we have to set the title here.
625 window_preexec "screen"
627 # Create a new session if none is running.
628 if [[ -z $session ]]; then
630 # Reattach to a running session.
632 exec screen -r $session
637 source_debug ". ~/.zsh/rc (done)"