"stash push" supports stashing only parts of the working tree which is
very useful. We keep the "ss" alias as "stash push" would conflict with
the existing alias for "stash pop".
fg = ! git fs && git gc --aggressive 2>&1 # fsck and compress repo
## Misc.
sl = stash list
fg = ! git fs && git gc --aggressive 2>&1 # fsck and compress repo
## Misc.
sl = stash list
- ss = stash save
- ssk = stash save --keep-index
- ssu = stash save --include-untracked
+ ss = stash push
+ ssk = stash push --keep-index
+ ssu = stash push --include-untracked
sa = stash apply --index
sp = stash pop --index
sa = stash apply --index
sp = stash pop --index
tig = ! PWD/bin/tig.pl
# Create backup of uncommitted and untracked changes.
tig = ! PWD/bin/tig.pl
# Create backup of uncommitted and untracked changes.
- ssb = "! git stash save --include-untracked \
- \"Backup on $(LANG=C date '+%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z')\" \
+ ssb = "! git stash push --include-untracked \
+ -m \"Backup on $(LANG=C date '+%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z')\" \
>/dev/null \
&& git stash apply >/dev/null"
>/dev/null \
&& git stash apply >/dev/null"