+ " Like %f but use relative filename if it's shorter than the absolute path
+ " (e.g. '../../file' vs. '~/long/path/to/file'). fnamemodify()'s ':.' is
+ " not enough because it doesn't create '../'s.
+ function! StatuslineRelativeFilename()
+ " Display only filename for help files.
+ if &buftype == 'help'
+ return expand('%:t')
+ endif
+ " Special case for scratch files.
+ if &buftype == 'nofile'
+ return '[Scratch]'
+ endif
+ let l:path = expand('%')
+ " No file.
+ if l:path == ''
+ return '[No Name]'
+ endif
+ " Path is already relative, nothing to do.
+ if stridx(l:path, '/') != 0
+ return l:path
+ endif
+ " Absolute path to this file.
+ let l:path = expand('%:p')
+ " Shortened path to this file, thanks to bairui in #vim on Freenode
+ " (2012-06-23 00:54) for the tip to use fnamemodify(). This is what
+ " Vim normally uses as %f (minus some exceptions).
+ let l:original_path = fnamemodify(l:path, ':~')
+ " Absolute path to the current working directory.
+ let l:cwd = getcwd()
+ " Working directory completely contained in path, replace it with a
+ " relative path. Happens for example when opening a file with netrw.
+ " %f displays this as absolute path, but we want a relative path of
+ " course.
+ if stridx(l:path, l:cwd) == 0
+ return strpart(l:path, strlen(l:cwd) + 1)
+ endif
+ let l:path_list = split(l:path, '/')
+ let l:cwd_list = split(l:cwd, '/')
+ " Remove the common path.
+ while l:path_list[0] == l:cwd_list[0]
+ call remove(l:path_list, 0)
+ call remove(l:cwd_list, 0)
+ endwhile
+ " Add as many '..' as necessary for the relative path and join the
+ " path. Thanks to Raimondi in #vim on Freenode (2012-06-23 01:13) for
+ " the hint to use repeat() instead of a loop.
+ let l:path = repeat('../', len(l:cwd_list)) . join(l:path_list, '/')
+ " Use the shorter path, either relative or absolute.
+ if strlen(l:path) < strlen(l:original_path)
+ return l:path
+ else
+ return l:original_path
+ endif
+ endfunction
set statusline=
" on the left
set statusline+=%02n " buffer number
set statusline+=%{StatuslineBufferCount()} " highest buffer number
set statusline+=:
- set statusline+=%f\ " path to current file in buffer
+ if has('modify_fname')
+ set statusline+=%{StatuslineRelativeFilename()} " path to current file
+ set statusline+=\ " space after path
+ else
+ set statusline+=%f\ " path to current file in buffer
+ endif
set statusline+=%h " [help] if buffer is help file
set statusline+=%w " [Preview] if buffer is preview buffer
set statusline+=%m " [+] if buffer was modified,