]> ruderich.org/simon Gitweb - config/dotfiles.git/commitdiff
tcl: Add syntax and indent file, version 0.5.1 and 0.3.6.
authorSimon Ruderich <simon@ruderich.org>
Sun, 26 Apr 2009 13:00:10 +0000 (15:00 +0200)
committerSimon Ruderich <simon@ruderich.org>
Sun, 26 Apr 2009 13:00:10 +0000 (15:00 +0200)
indent/tcl.vim [new file with mode: 0644]
syntax/tcl.vim [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/indent/tcl.vim b/indent/tcl.vim
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b9b0a8b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+" Vim indent file for Tcl/tk language
+" Language:    Tcl
+" Maintained:  SM Smithfield <m_smithfield@yahoo.com>
+" Last Change: 02/08/2007 (06:35:02)
+" Filenames:    *.tcl
+" Version:      0.3.6
+" ------------------------------------------------------------------
+" GetLatestVimScripts: 1717 1 :AutoInstall: indent/tcl.vim
+" ------------------------------------------------------------------
+" if there is another, bail
+if exists("b:did_indent")
+  finish
+let b:did_indent = 1
+setlocal nosmartindent
+" indent expression and keys that trigger it
+setlocal indentexpr=GetTclIndent()
+setlocal indentkeys-=:,0#
+" say something once, why say it again
+if exists("*GetTclIndent")
+  finish
+" syntax groups that should not be touched by the indent process
+let s:syng_com = '\<tcl\%(Comment\|CommentBraces\|Todo\|Start\)\>'
+" syntax groups that should be ignored by the indent process
+let s:syng_strcom = '\<tcl\%(Quotes\|Comment\|CommentBraces\|SemiColon\|Special\|Todo\|Start\)\>'
+" regexp that facilitates finding the correct mate to a brace, skipping comments, strings and such
+let s:skip_expr = "synIDattr(synID(line('.'),col('.'),0),'name') =~ '".s:syng_strcom."'"
+function s:IsComment(lnum)
+    let pos = 0
+    " try to find a solid char
+    let line = getline(a:lnum)
+    let pos1 = matchend(line, '^\s*\S', 0)
+    if pos1 > 0
+        let pos = pos1
+    endif
+    let q = synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, pos, 0), 'name')
+    return (q =~ s:syng_com)
+" returns 0/1 whether the cursor pos is in a string/comment syntax run or no.
+function s:IsInStringOrComment(lnum, col)
+    let q = synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, a:col, 0), 'name') 
+    let retval = (q =~ s:syng_strcom)
+    return retval
+if version < 700
+    " for the purpose of the following tests, valid means that the character is
+    " not in a string/comment or other *bad* syntax run.
+    " returns the pos of the leftmost valid occurance of ch
+    " or -1 for no match
+    function s:leftmostChar(lnum, ch, pos0)
+        let line = getline(a:lnum)
+        let pos1 = match(line, a:ch, a:pos0)
+        if pos1>=0
+            if s:IsInStringOrComment(a:lnum, pos1+1) == 1
+                let pos2 = pos1
+                let pos1 = -1
+                while pos2>=0 && s:IsInStringOrComment(a:lnum, pos2+1)
+                    let pos2 = match(line, a:ch, pos2+1)
+                endwhile
+                if pos2>=0 
+                    let pos1 = pos2
+                endif
+            endif
+        endif
+        return pos1
+    endfunction
+    " returns the pos of the rightmost valid occurance of ch
+    " or -1 for no match
+    function s:rightmostChar(lnum, ch, pos0)
+        let line = getline(a:lnum)
+        if a:pos0 == -1
+            let posMax = strlen(line)
+        else
+            let posMax = a:pos0
+        endif
+        let pos1 = match(line, a:ch, 0)
+        let pos2 = -1
+        while pos1>=0 && pos1 < posMax
+            if !s:IsInStringOrComment(a:lnum, pos1+1)
+                let pos2 = pos1
+            endif
+            let pos1 = match(line, a:ch, pos1+1)
+        endwhile
+        return pos2
+    endfunction
+    " returns the pos of the leftmost valid occurance of ch
+    " or -1 for no match
+    function s:leftmostChar(lnum, ch, pos0)
+        let line = getline(a:lnum)
+        let pos1 = stridx(line, a:ch, a:pos0)
+        if pos1>=0
+            if s:IsInStringOrComment(a:lnum, pos1+1) == 1
+                let pos2 = pos1
+                let pos1 = -1
+                while pos2>=0 && s:IsInStringOrComment(a:lnum, pos2+1)
+                    let pos2 = stridx(line, a:ch, pos2+1)
+                endwhile
+                if pos2>=0 
+                    let pos1 = pos2
+                endif
+            endif
+        endif
+        return pos1
+    endfunction
+    " returns the pos of the rightmost valid occurance of ch
+    " or -1 for no match
+    function s:rightmostChar(lnum, ch, pos0)
+        let line = getline(a:lnum)
+        if a:pos0 == -1
+            let pos = strlen(line)
+        else
+            let pos = a:pos0
+        endif
+        let pos1 = strridx(line, a:ch, pos)
+        if pos1>=0
+            if s:IsInStringOrComment(a:lnum, pos1+1) == 1
+                let pos2 = pos1
+                let pos1 = -1
+                while pos2>=0 && s:IsInStringOrComment(a:lnum, pos2+1)
+                    let pos2 = strridx(line, a:ch, pos2-1)
+                endwhile
+                if pos2>=0
+                    let pos1 = pos2
+                endif
+            endif
+        endif
+        return pos1
+    endfunction
+" returns the position of the brace that opens the current line
+" or -1 for no match
+function s:GetOpenBrace(lnum)
+    let openpos = s:rightmostChar(a:lnum, '{', -1)
+    let closepos = s:rightmostChar(a:lnum, '}', -1)
+    let sum = 0
+    while openpos >= 0
+        if closepos < 0
+            let sum = sum + 1
+            if sum > 0
+                return openpos
+            endif
+            let openpos = s:rightmostChar(a:lnum, '{', openpos-1)
+        elseif openpos > closepos
+            let sum = sum + 1
+            if sum > 0
+                return openpos
+            endif
+            let closepos = s:rightmostChar(a:lnum, '}', openpos-1)
+            let openpos = s:rightmostChar(a:lnum, '{', openpos-1)
+        else
+            let sum = sum - 1
+            let openpos = s:rightmostChar(a:lnum, '{', closepos-1)
+            let closepos = s:rightmostChar(a:lnum, '}', closepos-1)
+        endif
+    endwhile
+    return -1
+" returns the position of the brace that closes the current line
+" or -1 for no match
+function s:GetCloseBrace(lnum)
+    let openpos = s:leftmostChar(a:lnum, '{', -1)
+    let closepos = s:leftmostChar(a:lnum, '}', -1)
+    let sum = 0
+    while closepos >= 0
+        if openpos < 0
+            let sum = sum + 1
+            if sum > 0
+                return closepos
+            endif
+            let closepos = s:leftmostChar(a:lnum, '}', closepos+1)
+        elseif closepos < openpos
+            let sum = sum + 1
+            if sum > 0
+                return closepos
+            endif
+            let openpos = s:leftmostChar(a:lnum, '{', closepos+1)
+            let closepos = s:leftmostChar(a:lnum, '}', closepos+1)
+        else
+            let sum = sum - 1
+            let closepos = s:leftmostChar(a:lnum, '}', openpos+1)
+            let openpos = s:leftmostChar(a:lnum, '{', openpos+1)
+        endif
+    endwhile
+    return -1
+function s:HasLeadingStuff(lnu, pos)
+    let rv = 0
+    let line = getline(a:lnu)
+    let pos1 = matchend(line, '{\s*\S', a:pos)
+    if pos1 >= 0
+        let rv = !s:IsInStringOrComment(a:lnu,pos1)
+    endif
+    return rv
+function s:HasTrailingStuff(lnu, pos)
+    " find the first non-ws-char after matchopen, is NOT string/comment -> has stuff
+    let rv = 0
+    let line = getline(a:lnu)
+    let expr = '\S\s*\%'.(a:pos+1).'c}'
+    let pos1 = match(line, expr)
+    return (pos1 >= 0)
+function s:LineContinueIndent(lnu)
+    " returns a relative indent offset
+    let delt_ind = 0
+    if a:lnu > 1 
+        " echo "lc-0"
+        let pline = getline(a:lnu-1)
+        let line = getline(a:lnu)
+        if !s:IsComment(a:lnu) 
+            " echo "lc-1" line_is_comment pline_is_comment
+            if pline =~ '\\$'
+                " echo "lc-2"
+                if line !~ '\\$'
+                    " echo "lc-3"
+                    let delt_ind = -&sw
+                endif
+            else
+                " echo "lc-4"
+                if line =~ '^\(#\)\@!.*\\$'
+                    " echo "lc-5"
+                    let delt_ind = &sw
+                endif
+            endif
+        endif
+    endif
+    return delt_ind
+function s:CloseBracePriorIter(lnu,pos)
+    " what is the ind for a line that has this close brace previous?
+    " this function often depends on the previous open brace
+    let ind = -1
+    call cursor(a:lnu, a:pos+1) 
+    " seek the mate
+    let matchopenlnum = searchpair('{', '', '}', 'bW', s:skip_expr)
+    " does it have a mate
+    if  matchopenlnum >= 0
+        let closeopenpos = s:GetCloseBrace(matchopenlnum)
+        if closeopenpos >= 0
+            " recurse
+            let ind = s:CloseBracePriorIter(matchopenlnum, closeopenpos)
+        else
+            let ind = indent(matchopenlnum)
+            " if matchopenlnum, is lc-bumped, then remove that bump
+            let pline = getline(matchopenlnum-1)
+            if pline =~ '\\$'
+                let ind = ind - &sw
+                let ind = ind - (ind % &sw)
+            endif
+        endif
+    endif
+    return ind
+function s:CloseBraceInd(lnu, pos)
+    let ind = -1
+    call cursor(a:lnu, a:pos+1) 
+    " seek the mate
+    let matchopenlnum = searchpair('{', '', '}', 'bW', s:skip_expr)
+    " does it have a mate
+    if  matchopenlnum >= 0
+        let matchopen = s:GetOpenBrace(matchopenlnum)
+        let matchopenline = getline(matchopenlnum)
+        let closeopenpos = s:GetCloseBrace(matchopenlnum)
+        if closeopenpos >= 0
+            " recurse
+            let ind = s:CloseBracePriorIter(matchopenlnum, closeopenpos)
+        else
+            let hasLeadingStuff = s:HasLeadingStuff(matchopenlnum, matchopen)
+            let hasTrailingStuff = s:HasTrailingStuff(a:lnu, a:pos)
+            if hasLeadingStuff && hasTrailingStuff
+                " seek to the first nonwhite and make a hanging indent
+                let ind = matchend(matchopenline, '{\s*', matchopen)
+            elseif hasTrailingStuff
+                " indent of openbrace PLUS shiftwidth
+                let ind = indent(matchopenlnum) + &sw
+            elseif hasLeadingStuff
+                " let ind = matchend(matchopenline, '{\s*', matchopen)
+                let ind = indent(matchopenlnum)
+            else
+                " indent of openbrace
+                let ind = indent(matchopenlnum)
+            endif
+            let pline = getline(matchopenlnum-1)
+            if pline =~ '\\$'
+                let ind = ind - &sw
+                let ind = ind - (ind % &sw)
+            endif
+        endif
+    endif
+    return ind
+function s:CloseBracePriorInd(lnu,pos)
+    " what is the ind for a line that has this close brace previous?
+    " this function often depends on the previous open brace
+    let ind = -1
+    call cursor(a:lnu, a:pos+1) 
+    " seek the mate
+    let matchopenlnum = searchpair('{', '', '}', 'bW', s:skip_expr)
+    " does it have a mate
+    if  matchopenlnum >= 0
+        let closeopenpos = s:GetCloseBrace(matchopenlnum)
+        if closeopenpos >= 0
+            " recurse
+            let ind = s:CloseBracePriorIter(matchopenlnum, closeopenpos)
+        else
+            let ind = indent(matchopenlnum)
+            " if matchopenlnum, is lc-bumped, then remove that bump
+            let pline = getline(matchopenlnum-1)
+            if pline =~ '\\$'
+                let ind = ind - &sw
+                let ind = ind - (ind % &sw)
+            endif
+        endif
+    endif
+    return ind
+function s:PrevLine(lnu)
+    " for my purposes, the previous line is
+    " the previous non-blank line that is NOT a comment (nor string?)
+    " 0 ==> top of file
+    let plnu = prevnonblank(a:lnu-1)
+    while plnu > 0 && s:IsComment(plnu)
+        let plnu = prevnonblank(plnu-1)
+    endwhile
+    return plnu
+function s:GetTclIndent(lnum0)
+    " cursor-restore-position 
+    let vcol = col('.')
+    let vlnu = a:lnum0
+    " ------------
+    " current line
+    " ------------
+    let line = getline(vlnu)
+    let ind1 = -1
+    let flag = 0
+    " a line may have an 'open' open brace and an 'open' close brace
+    let openbrace = s:GetOpenBrace(vlnu)
+    let closebrace = s:GetCloseBrace(vlnu)
+    " does the line have an 'open' closebrace?
+    if closebrace >= 0
+        " echo "cur-0"
+        let ind = s:CloseBraceInd(vlnu, closebrace)
+        let flag = 1
+    endif
+    if flag == 1
+        call cursor(vlnu, vcol)
+        return ind
+    endif
+    " ---------
+    " prev line
+    " ---------
+    let flag = 0
+    " let prevlnum = prevnonblank(vlnu - 1)
+    let prevlnum = s:PrevLine(vlnu)
+    let line = getline(prevlnum)
+    let ind2 = indent(prevlnum)
+    " at the start? => indent = 0
+    if prevlnum == 0
+        return 0
+    endif
+    " is the current line a comment? => simple use the prevline
+    if s:IsComment(vlnu)
+        let prevlnum = prevnonblank(vlnu-1)
+        let ind2 = indent(prevlnum)
+        return ind2
+    endif
+    if line =~ '}'
+        " echo "prev-cb-0"
+        " upto this point, the indent is simply inherited from prevlnum
+        let closebrace = s:GetCloseBrace(prevlnum)
+        if closebrace >= 0
+            " echo "prev-cb-1"
+            let ind2 = s:CloseBracePriorInd(prevlnum, closebrace)
+            let flag = 1
+        endif
+    endif
+    " if there is an open brace
+    if line =~ '{'
+        " echo "prev-ob-0"
+        let openbrace = s:GetOpenBrace(prevlnum)
+        if openbrace >= 0 
+            " echo "prev-ob-1"
+            " does the line end in a comment? or nothing?
+            if s:HasLeadingStuff(prevlnum, openbrace)
+                " echo "prev-ob-2"
+                " LineContinueIndent
+                let delt_ind = s:LineContinueIndent(prevlnum)
+                let ind2 = matchend(line, '{\s*', openbrace) + delt_ind
+            else
+                " echo "prev-ob-4"
+                let ind2 = ind2 + &sw
+            endif
+            let flag = 1
+        endif
+    endif
+    if flag == 0
+        " echo "prev-lc-0"
+        " if nothing else has changed the indentation, check for a
+        let delt_ind = s:LineContinueIndent(prevlnum)
+        let ind2 = ind2 + delt_ind
+        " echo "prev-lc- " ind2 delt_ind
+    endif
+    " restore the cursor to its original position
+    call cursor(vlnu, vcol)
+    return ind2
+function GetTclIndent()
+    let l:val = s:GetTclIndent(v:lnum)
+    return l:val
+function Gpeek()
+    let lnu = line('.')
+    let val = s:GetTclIndent(lnu)
+    let openbrace = s:GetOpenBrace(lnu)
+    let closebrace = s:GetCloseBrace(lnu)
+    let iscomment = s:IsComment(lnu)
+    let prevlnum = s:PrevLine(lnu)
+    echo "ind>" val ": (" openbrace closebrace ") : " prevlnum
diff --git a/syntax/tcl.vim b/syntax/tcl.vim
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e79e2eb
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1100 @@
+" Vim syntax file for Tcl/tk language
+" Language:    Tcl
+" Maintained:  SM Smithfield <m_smithfield@yahoo.com>
+" Last Change: 05/01/2007 (20:03:29)
+" Filenames:    *.tcl
+" Version:      0.5
+" ------------------------------------------------------------------
+" GetLatestVimScripts: 1603 1 :AutoInstall: syntax/tcl.vim
+" ------------------------------------------------------------------
+" -------------------------
+if version < 600
+  syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+  finish
+" Highlight Options: restart vim, after changing these options.
+" let s:tcl_highlight_namespace_bold = 1
+" let s:tcl_highlight_bookends = 1
+" let s:tcl_highlight_primary = 1
+" let s:tcl_highlight_expressions = 1
+" let s:tcl_highlight_variables = 1
+" let s:tcl_highlight_secondary = 1
+" let s:tcl_highlight_options = 1
+" let s:tcl_highlight_lcs_are_warnings = 1
+" let s:tcl_comments_ignore_nested_braces = 1
+let s:tcl_highlight_all = 1
+" Extended Syntax:
+" let s:tcl_snit_active = 1
+" let s:tcl_sqlite_active = 1
+" let s:tcl_critcl_active = 1
+" let s:tcl_togl_active = 1
+" let s:tcl_itcl_active = 1
+let s:tcl_ttk_active = 1
+" one more highlight than the law allows
+if exists("s:tcl_highlight_bookends")
+    if !hlexists("Bold")
+        hi Bold guifg=fg guibg=bg gui=bold
+        if version > 700
+            " on colorscheme, create Bold
+            augroup tclsyntax
+                au!
+                au ColorScheme * hi Bold guifg=fg guibg=bg gui=bold
+            augroup end
+        endif
+    endif
+" -------------------------
+" Basics:
+" -------------------------
+" see Note in :h /\@=
+syn match tclKeywordGroup contained "\([^\[{ ]\)\@<!\w\+" contains=@tclKeywords,@tkKeywords
+syn region tclWord1      contained start=+[^\[#{}"\]]\&\S+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=@tclStuff
+syn region tclWord0      contained start=+[^#]\&\S+ end=+\s\|$+ contains=@tclWord0Cluster skipwhite nextgroup=@tclWord1Cluster
+syn region tclQuotes     contained extend keepend matchgroup=tclQuotes start=+\(\\\)\@<!"+ end=+"+ skip=+\(\\\)\@<!\\"\|\(\\\\\\\)\@<!\\"\|\\\\+ contains=@tclQuotesCluster
+syn region tclBrackets   contained extend keepend matchgroup=Bold start=+\(\\\)\@<!\[+ end=+]\|$+ skip=+\\\s*$\|\(\\\)\@<!\\]+ contains=@tclCommandCluster
+syn region tclBraces     contained extend keepend matchgroup=Bold start=+\(\\\)\@<!{+  end=+}+ skip=+$\|\(\\\)\@<!\\}+ contains=@tclCommandCluster,tclComment
+syn region tclFoldBraces contained extend keepend fold matchgroup=Bold start=+\(\\\)\@<!{+ end=+}+ skip=+$\|\(\\\)\@<!\\}+ contains=@tclCommandCluster
+syn match  tclSemiColon  contained ";\s*" skipwhite nextgroup=@tclCommandCluster
+if exists("s:tcl_comments_ignore_nested_braces")
+    syn region tclComment    contained extend keepend start=+^\s*\#+ms=e-1 start=+\([;{]\s*\)\@<=\#+ end="\\\s\+$\|$" skip=+\\$+ contains=tclTodo,@tclLContinue,@Spell
+    syn region tclComment       contained extend keepend start=+^\s*\#+ms=e-1 start=+\([;{]\s*\)\@<=\#+ end="\\\s\+$\|$" skip=+\\$\|\(\\\)\@<!\\}+ end="}"me=e-1 contains=tclTodo,@tclLContinue,@Spell,tclCommentBraces
+    syn region tclCommentBraces contained extend keepend matchgroup=Comment start=+\(\\\)\@<!{+  end=+}+ skip=+$\|\(\\\)\@<!\\}+ 
+syn region tclCommand start=+[^;]\&.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+;\|$+ contains=@tclCommandCluster
+syn match tclStart "\%^\s*#!.*$"
+syn region tclStart start="\%^\s*#!/bin/sh"  end="^\s*exec.*$"
+" -------------------------
+" Clusters:
+" -------------------------
+syn cluster tcltkKeywords      contains=@tclKeywords,@tkKeywords
+syn cluster tclKeywords        contains=tclPrimary,tclKeyword,tclException,tclConditional,tclRepeat,tclLabel,tclMagicName,tclNamespace
+syn cluster tkKeywords         contains=tkKeyword,tkReserved,tkWidget,tkDialog
+" ------------------
+syn cluster tclBits            contains=tclBraces,tclBrackets,tclComment,tclExpand,@tclLContinue,tclNumber,tclQuotes,tclSpecial,tkColor,tkEvent,tclSemiColon
+syn cluster tclStuff           contains=@tclBits,tclVariable,tkBindSubstGroup,tkWidgetName,tclREClassGroup
+syn cluster tclWord0Cluster    contains=@tclStuff
+syn cluster tclWord1Cluster    contains=tclWord1,tclSecondary,tkWidgetCreate,tclConditional,@tclStuff
+syn cluster tclQuotesCluster   contains=tclSpecial,@tclLContinue,@Spell
+syn cluster tclLContinue       contains=tclLContinueOk,tclLContinueError
+syn cluster tclCommandCluster contains=@tcltkKeywords,tclWord0,tclComment
+" -------------------------
+" Tcl: Syntax
+" -------------------------
+syn keyword tclKeyword      contained append apply auto_execok auto_import auto_load auto_mkindex auto_qualify auto_reset cd close concat eof exit fblocked flush format gets global http incr join lappend lassign lindex linsert llength load lrange lrepeat lreplace lreverse lset namespace parray pid pkg_mkIndex proc pwd registry rename return scan set split tclLog tcl_endOfWord tcl_findLibrary tcl_startOfNextWord tcl_startOfPreviousWord tcl_wordBreakAfter tcl_wordBreakBefore tell time unknown upvar variable vwait skipwhite nextgroup=tclPred
+syn keyword tclMagicName    contained argc argv argv0 auto_index auto_oldpath auto_path env errorCode errorInfo tcl_interactive tcl_libpath tcl_library tlc_patchlevel tcl_pkgPath tcl_platform tcl_precision tcl_rcFileName tcl_rcRsrcName tcl_traceCompile tcl_traceExec tcl_version
+" ------------------
+syn keyword tkKeyword       contained bell bind clipboard console consoleinterp event focus grid pack place tkwait winfo wm
+syn keyword tkKeyword       contained bindtags destroy lower option raise send tkerror tkwait tk_bisque tk_focusNext tk_focusPrev tk_focusFollowsMouse tk_popup tk_setPalette tk_textCut tk_TextCopy tk_textPaste skipwhite nextgroup=tclPred
+syn keyword tkDialog        contained chooseColor tk_chooseColor tk_chooseDirectory tk_dialog tk_getOpenFile tkDialog tk_getSaveFile tk_messageBox
+syn keyword tkReserved      contained tk_library tk_strictMotif tk_version
+syn keyword tkWidget        contained button canvas checkbutton entry frame image label labelframe listbox menu menubutton message panedwindow radiobutton scale scrollbar spinbox toplevel skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetPredicate
+" TODO widgets that are NOT part of tk
+syn keyword tkWidget        contained table mclistbox skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetPredicate
+syn region tclPred contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclPrimary      contained if skipwhite nextgroup=tclIfCommentStart,tclExpression,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclConditional  contained elseif skipwhite nextgroup=tclExpression,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclConditional  contained else then
+" syn keyword tclRepeat       contained for skipwhite nextgroup=tclForStart,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclRepeat       contained for skipwhite nextgroup=tclForStart
+syn match tclForStart       contained extend "\s*{[^}]\{-}}" contains=@tclCommandCluster skipwhite nextgroup=tclExpression,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclRepeat       contained while skipwhite nextgroup=tclExpression,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclRepeat       contained foreach skipwhite nextgroup=tclPred
+syn keyword tclRepeat       contained break continue
+syn keyword tclLabel        contained default
+syn keyword tclException    contained catch error
+" EXPRESSION - that presumes to be an expression, occurs in expr, conditional, loops, etc...
+syn keyword tclPrimary      contained expr skipwhite nextgroup=tclExpression
+syn match  tclExpression    contained "\\" skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=tclExpression contains=tclLContinueOk
+syn match  tclExpression    contained extend "\\\s\+$" contains=tclLContinueError
+syn region tclExpression    contained extend start=+[^ {\\]+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+me=e-1 contains=tclMaths,@tclStuff
+" NOTE: must include '\s*' in start, for while etc don't work w/o it, I think
+" this is because matching the whitespace allows the expression to supercede
+" the other regions
+syn region tclExpression    contained keepend extend matchgroup=Bold start=+\s*{+ end=+}+ skip=+$\|\\}+ contains=tclMaths,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclMaths        contained abs acos asin atan atan2 bool ceil cos cosh double entier exp floor fmod hypot int isqrt log log10 max min pow rand round sin sinh sqrt srand tan tanh wide
+syn keyword tclMaths        contained ne eq in ni
+syn match tclMaths          contained "[()^%~<>!=+*\-|&?:/]"
+" IF - permits use of if{0} {} commenting idiom
+syn region tclIfComment     contained extend keepend matchgroup=Comment start=+\(\\\)\@<!{+  skip=+$\|\\}+ end=+}+ contains=tclIfComment,tclTodo,@Spell
+syn match tclIfCommentStart contained extend  "\s*\(0\|{0}\)" skipwhite nextgroup=tclIfComment
+" PROC - proc name hilite AND folding
+syn keyword tclPrimary      contained proc skipwhite nextgroup=tclProcName
+" def-script pattern
+syn match tclProcDef        contained "\S\+" skipwhite nextgroup=tclFoldBraces
+" type-name-args-script pattern
+syn match tclProcType       contained "\S\+" skipwhite nextgroup=tclProcName
+syn match tclProcName       contained "\S\+" skipwhite nextgroup=tclProcArgs
+syn region tclProcArgs      contained extend keepend excludenl matchgroup=Bold start=+\(\\\)\@<!{+  skip=+$\|\\}+ end=+}+ contains=tclProcArgs skipwhite nextgroup=tclFoldBraces
+" -------------------------
+" Tcl: Syntax - Bits
+" -------------------------
+syn keyword tclTodo         contained TODO
+syn match tkEvent           contained "<\S\+>"
+syn match tkEvent           contained "<<.\+>>"
+syn match tkColor           contained "#[0-9A-Fa-f]\{6}\|#[0-9A-Fa-f]\{3}"
+syn match tclNumber         contained "\<\d\+\(u\=l\=\|lu\|f\|L\)\>"
+syn match tclNumber         contained "\<\d\+\.\d*\(e[-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fl]\=\>"
+syn match tclNumber         contained "\.\d\+\(e[-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fl]\=\>"
+syn match tclNumber         contained "\<\d\+e[-+]\=\d\+[fl]\=\>"
+syn match tclNumber         contained "0x[0-9a-f]\+\(u\=l\=\|lu\)\>"
+syn match tclVariable       contained "\$\(\(:\{2,}\)\?\([[:alnum:]_]*::\)*\)[[:alnum:]_]*"
+syn region tclVariable      contained start=+\$\(\(:\{2,}\)\?\([[:alnum:]_]*::\)*\)[[:alnum:]_]\+(+ skip=+\\)+ end=+)+ contains=@tclStuff
+syn match tclVariable       contained extend "${[^}]*}"
+syn match tclSpecial        contained "\\\d\d\d\=\|\\."
+syn match tkWidgetName      contained "\([[:alnum:]]\)\@<!\.[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]*\(\.[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]*\)*\>"
+if exists("s:tcl_highlight_lcs_are_warnings")
+    syn match tclLContinueOk    contained "\\$"
+    syn match tclLContinueOk    contained "\\$" transparent
+syn match tclLContinueError contained "\\\s\+$" excludenl
+syn match tclExpand         contained extend "{expand}"
+syn match tclExpand         contained extend "{\*}"
+syn match tclREClassGroup   contained extend +\(\\\)\@<!\[^\?\[:\(\w\+\|[<>]\):]_\?]+  contains=tclREClass
+syn keyword tclREClass contained alpha upper lower digit xdigit alnum print blank space punct graph cntrl 
+" -------------------------
+" Tcl: Syntax - Keyword Predicates
+" -------------------------
+" SPECIAL CASE: predicate can contain a command 
+syn region tclListPred contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=@tclCommandCluster
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained eval list skipwhite nextgroup=tclListPred
+" SPECIAL CASE: contains a command and a leve
+syn region tclUplevelPred contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=@tclCommandCluster
+syn match tclUplevelLevel contained "\S\+" contains=@tclCommandCluster skipwhite nextgroup=tclUplevelPred
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained uplevel skipwhite nextgroup=tclUplevelLevel
+syn keyword tclPrimary                        contained namespace skipwhite nextgroup=tclNamespacePred
+syn keyword tclNamespaceCmds                  contained children code current delete eval exists forget inscope origin parent path qualifiers tail unknown upvar
+syn region tclNamespacePred                   contained keepend fold start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclNamespaceCmds,tclNamespaceEnsemble,@tclStuff
+syn match tclNamespaceExportOptsGroup         contained "-\a\+" contains=tclNamespaceExportOpts
+syn keyword tclNamespaceExportOpts            contained clear force command variable
+syn region tclNamespaceExportPred             contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclNamespaceExportOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclNamespaceCmds                  contained export import which skipwhite nextgroup=tclNamespaceExportPred
+syn match tclNamespaceEnsembleExistsOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclNamespaceEnsembleExistsOpts
+syn keyword tclNamespaceEnsembleExistsOpts    contained map prefixes subcommands unknown command namespace
+syn region tclNamespaceEnsembleExistsPred     contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclNamespaceEnsembleExistsOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclNamespaceEnsembleCmds          contained exists create configure skipwhite nextgroup=tclNamespaceEnsembleExistsPred
+syn region tclNamespaceEnsemblePred           contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclNamespaceEnsembleCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclNamespaceEnsemble              contained ensemble skipwhite nextgroup=tclNamespaceEnsemblePred
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained puts read skipwhite nextgroup=tclPutsPred
+syn region tclPutsPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclPutsOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tclPutsOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclPutsOpts
+syn keyword tclPutsOpts contained nonewline
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained return skipwhite nextgroup=tclReturnPred
+syn region tclReturnPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclReturnOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tclReturnOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclReturnOpts
+syn keyword tclReturnOpts contained code errorcode errorinfo level options
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained source skipwhite nextgroup=tclSourcePred
+syn region tclSourcePred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclSourceOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tclSourceOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclSourceOpts
+syn keyword tclSourceOpts contained encoding
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained after skipwhite nextgroup=tclAfterPred
+syn region tclAfterPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclAfterCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclAfterCmds contained cancel idle info skipwhite nextgroup=tclAfterCmdsCancelPred
+syn region tclAfterCmdsCancelPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained array skipwhite nextgroup=tclArrayPred
+syn region tclArrayPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclArrayCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclArrayCmds contained anymore donesearch exists get nextelement set size startsearch statistics unset skipwhite nextgroup=tclArrayCmdsAnymorePred
+syn region tclArrayCmdsAnymorePred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn match tclArrayCmdsNamesOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclArrayCmdsNamesOpts
+syn keyword tclArrayCmdsNamesOpts contained exact glob regexp
+syn keyword tclArrayCmds contained names skipwhite nextgroup=tclArrayCmdsNamesPred
+syn region tclArrayCmdsNamesPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclArrayCmdsNamesOptsGroup,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tclArrayCmds
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained binary skipwhite nextgroup=tclBinaryPred
+syn region tclBinaryPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclBinaryCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclBinaryCmds contained format scan skipwhite nextgroup=tclBinaryCmdsFormatPred
+syn region tclBinaryCmdsFormatPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained encoding skipwhite nextgroup=tclEncodingPred
+syn region tclEncodingPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclEncodingCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclEncodingCmds contained convertfrom convertto names system skipwhite nextgroup=tclEncodingCmdsConvertfromPred
+syn region tclEncodingCmdsConvertfromPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained info skipwhite nextgroup=tclInfoPred
+syn region tclInfoPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclInfoCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclInfoCmds contained args body cmdcount commands complete default exists frame functions globals hostname level library loaded locals nameofexecutable patchlevel procs script sharedlibextension tclversion vars skipwhite nextgroup=tclInfoCmdsArgsPred
+syn region tclInfoCmdsArgsPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained memory skipwhite nextgroup=tclMemoryPred
+syn region tclMemoryPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclMemoryCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclMemoryCmds contained active break info init onexit tag trace validate skipwhite nextgroup=tclMemoryCmdsActivePred
+syn region tclMemoryCmdsActivePred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained update skipwhite nextgroup=tclUpdatePred
+syn region tclUpdatePred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclUpdateCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclUpdateCmds contained idletasks skipwhite nextgroup=tclUpdateCmdsIdletasksPred
+syn region tclUpdateCmdsIdletasksPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained exec skipwhite nextgroup=tclExecPred
+syn region tclExecPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclExecOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tclExecOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclExecOpts
+syn keyword tclExecOpts contained keepnewline ignorestderr
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained glob skipwhite nextgroup=tclGlobPred
+syn region tclGlobPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclGlobOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tclGlobOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclGlobOpts
+syn keyword tclGlobOpts contained directory join nocomplain path tails types
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained regexp skipwhite nextgroup=tclRegexpPred
+syn region tclRegexpPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclRegexpOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tclRegexpOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclRegexpOpts
+syn keyword tclRegexpOpts contained about expanded indicies line linestop lineanchor nocase all inline start
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained regsub skipwhite nextgroup=tclRegsubPred
+syn region tclRegsubPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclRegsubOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tclRegsubOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclRegsubOpts
+syn keyword tclRegsubOpts contained all expanded line linestop nocase start
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained switch skipwhite nextgroup=tclSwitchPred
+syn region tclSwitchPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclSwitchOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tclSwitchOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclSwitchOpts
+syn keyword tclSwitchOpts contained exact glob regexp nocase matchvar indexvar
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained unload skipwhite nextgroup=tclUnloadPred
+syn region tclUnloadPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclUnloadOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tclUnloadOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclUnloadOpts
+syn keyword tclUnloadOpts contained nocomplain keeplibrary
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained unset skipwhite nextgroup=tclUnsetPred
+syn region tclUnsetPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclUnsetOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tclUnsetOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclUnsetOpts
+syn keyword tclUnsetOpts contained nocomplain
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained subst skipwhite nextgroup=tclSubstPred
+syn region tclSubstPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclSubstOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tclSubstOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclSubstOpts
+syn keyword tclSubstOpts contained nocommands novariables nobackslashes
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained lsearch skipwhite nextgroup=tclLsearchPred
+syn region tclLsearchPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclLsearchOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tclLsearchOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclLsearchOpts
+syn keyword tclLsearchOpts contained exact glob regexp sorted all inline not ascii dictionary integer nocase real decreasing increasing subindices
+syn match tclLsearchOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclLsearchOpts
+syn keyword tclLsearchOpts contained start index
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained lsort skipwhite nextgroup=tclLsortPred
+syn region tclLsortPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclLsortOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tclLsortOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclLsortOpts
+syn keyword tclLsortOpts contained ascii dictionary integer real increasing decreasing indicies nocase unique
+syn match tclLsortOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclLsortOpts
+syn keyword tclLsortOpts contained command index
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained fconfigure skipwhite nextgroup=tclFconfigurePred
+syn region tclFconfigurePred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclFconfigureOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tclFconfigureOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclFconfigureOpts
+syn keyword tclFconfigureOpts contained blocking buffering buffersize encoding eofchar error
+syn match tclFconfigureOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclFconfigureOpts
+syn keyword tclFconfigureOpts contained translation
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained fcopy skipwhite nextgroup=tclFcopyPred
+syn region tclFcopyPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclFcopyOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tclFcopyOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclFcopyOpts
+syn keyword tclFcopyOpts contained size command
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained socket skipwhite nextgroup=tclSocketPred
+syn region tclSocketPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclSocketOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tclSocketOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclSocketOpts
+syn keyword tclSocketOpts contained server myaddr myport async myaddr error sockname peername
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained fileevent skipwhite nextgroup=tclFileeventPred
+syn region tclFileeventPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclFileeventCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclFileeventCmds contained readable writable skipwhite nextgroup=tclFileeventCmdsReadablePred
+syn region tclFileeventCmdsReadablePred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained open skipwhite nextgroup=tclOpenPred
+syn region tclOpenPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclOpenOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tclOpenOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclOpenOpts
+syn keyword tclOpenOpts contained mode handshake queue timeout ttycontrol ttystatus xchar pollinterval sysbuffer lasterror
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained seek skipwhite nextgroup=tclSeekPred
+syn region tclSeekPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclSeekCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclSeekCmds contained start current end skipwhite nextgroup=tclSeekCmdsStartPred
+syn region tclSeekCmdsStartPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained clock skipwhite nextgroup=tclClockPred
+syn region tclClockPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclClockCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclClockCmds contained microseconds milliseconds seconds skipwhite nextgroup=tclClockCmdsMicrosecondsPred
+syn region tclClockCmdsMicrosecondsPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn match tclClockCmdsAddOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclClockCmdsAddOpts
+syn keyword tclClockCmdsAddOpts contained base format gmt locale timezone
+syn keyword tclClockCmds contained add clicks format scan skipwhite nextgroup=tclClockCmdsAddPred
+syn region tclClockCmdsAddPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclClockCmdsAddOptsGroup,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tclClockCmds
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained dict skipwhite nextgroup=tclDictPred
+syn region tclDictPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclDictCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclDictCmds contained append create exists for get incr info keys lappend merge remove replace set size unset update values with skipwhite nextgroup=tclDictCmdsAppendPred
+syn region tclDictCmdsAppendPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn match tclDictCmdsFilterOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclDictCmdsFilterOpts
+syn keyword tclDictCmdsFilterOpts contained key script value
+syn keyword tclDictCmds contained filter skipwhite nextgroup=tclDictCmdsFilterPred
+syn region tclDictCmdsFilterPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclDictCmdsFilterOptsGroup,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tclDictCmds
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained chan skipwhite nextgroup=tclChanPred
+syn region tclChanPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclChanCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclChanCmds contained blocked close create eof event flush gets names pending postevent seek tell truncate skipwhite nextgroup=tclChanCmdsBlockedPred
+syn region tclChanCmdsBlockedPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn match tclChanCmdsConfigureOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclChanCmdsConfigureOpts
+syn keyword tclChanCmdsConfigureOpts contained blocking buffering buffersize encoding eofchar translation
+syn keyword tclChanCmds contained configure skipwhite nextgroup=tclChanCmdsConfigurePred
+syn region tclChanCmdsConfigurePred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclChanCmdsConfigureOptsGroup,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tclChanCmds
+syn match tclChanCmdsCopyOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclChanCmdsCopyOpts
+syn keyword tclChanCmdsCopyOpts contained size command
+syn keyword tclChanCmds contained copy skipwhite nextgroup=tclChanCmdsCopyPred
+syn region tclChanCmdsCopyPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclChanCmdsCopyOptsGroup,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tclChanCmds
+syn match tclChanCmdsPutsOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclChanCmdsPutsOpts
+syn keyword tclChanCmdsPutsOpts contained nonewline
+syn keyword tclChanCmds contained puts read skipwhite nextgroup=tclChanCmdsPutsPred
+syn region tclChanCmdsPutsPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclChanCmdsPutsOptsGroup,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tclChanCmds
+syn keyword tclSecondary contained initialize finalize watch read write seek configure cget cgetall blocking skipwhite nextgroup=tclChanSUBInitializePred
+syn region tclChanSUBInitializePred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained file skipwhite nextgroup=tclFilePred
+syn region tclFilePred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclFileCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclFileCmds contained channels dirname executable exists extension isdirectory isfile join link lstat mkdir mtime nativename normalize owned pathtype readable readlink rootname separator size split stat system tail volumes writable skipwhite nextgroup=tclFileCmdsChannelsPred
+syn region tclFileCmdsChannelsPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn match tclFileCmdsAtimeOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclFileCmdsAtimeOpts
+syn keyword tclFileCmdsAtimeOpts contained time
+syn keyword tclFileCmds contained atime skipwhite nextgroup=tclFileCmdsAtimePred
+syn region tclFileCmdsAtimePred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclFileCmdsAtimeOptsGroup,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tclFileCmds
+syn match tclFileCmdsCopyOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclFileCmdsCopyOpts
+syn keyword tclFileCmdsCopyOpts contained force
+syn keyword tclFileCmds contained copy delete rename skipwhite nextgroup=tclFileCmdsCopyPred
+syn region tclFileCmdsCopyPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$\|--+ contains=tclFileCmdsCopyOptsGroup,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tclFileCmds
+syn match tclFileCmdsAttributesOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclFileCmdsAttributesOpts
+syn keyword tclFileCmdsAttributesOpts contained group owner permissions readonly archive hidden longname shortname system creator rsrclength
+syn keyword tclFileCmds contained attributes skipwhite nextgroup=tclFileCmdsAttributesPred
+syn region tclFileCmdsAttributesPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclFileCmdsAttributesOptsGroup,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tclFileCmds
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained history skipwhite nextgroup=tclHistoryPred
+syn region tclHistoryPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclHistoryCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclHistoryCmds contained change clear event info keep nextid redo skipwhite nextgroup=tclHistoryCmdsChangePred
+syn region tclHistoryCmdsChangePred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclHistoryCmdsAddCmds contained exec skipwhite nextgroup=tclHistoryCmdsAddCmdsExecPred
+syn region tclHistoryCmdsAddCmdsExecPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclHistoryCmds contained add skipwhite nextgroup=tclHistoryCmdsAddPred
+syn region tclHistoryCmdsAddPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclHistoryCmdsAddCmds,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tclHistoryCmds
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained package skipwhite nextgroup=tclPackagePred
+syn region tclPackagePred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclPackageCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclPackageCmds contained forget ifneeded names provide unknown vcompare versions vsatisfies skipwhite nextgroup=tclPackageCmdsForgetPred
+syn region tclPackageCmdsForgetPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn match tclPackageCmdsPresentOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclPackageCmdsPresentOpts
+syn keyword tclPackageCmdsPresentOpts contained exact
+syn keyword tclPackageCmds contained present require skipwhite nextgroup=tclPackageCmdsPresentPred
+syn region tclPackageCmdsPresentPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclPackageCmdsPresentOptsGroup,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tclPackageCmds
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained string skipwhite nextgroup=tclStringPred
+syn region tclStringPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclStringCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclStringCmds contained bytelength first index last length range repeat replace reverse tolower totitle toupper trim trimleft trimright wordend wordstart skipwhite nextgroup=tclStringCmdsBytelengthPred
+syn region tclStringCmdsBytelengthPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn match tclStringCmdsCompareOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclStringCmdsCompareOpts
+syn keyword tclStringCmdsCompareOpts contained nocase length
+syn keyword tclStringCmds contained compare equal skipwhite nextgroup=tclStringCmdsComparePred
+syn region tclStringCmdsComparePred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclStringCmdsCompareOptsGroup,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tclStringCmds
+syn match tclStringCmdsMapOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclStringCmdsMapOpts
+syn keyword tclStringCmdsMapOpts contained nocase
+syn keyword tclStringCmds contained map match skipwhite nextgroup=tclStringCmdsMapPred
+syn region tclStringCmdsMapPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclStringCmdsMapOptsGroup,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tclStringCmds
+syn match tclStringCmdsIsClassAlnumOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclStringCmdsIsClassAlnumOpts
+syn keyword tclStringCmdsIsClassAlnumOpts contained strict failindex
+syn keyword tclStringCmdsIsClass contained alnum alpha ascii boolean control digit double false graph integer list lower print punct space true upper wideinteger wordchar xdigit skipwhite nextgroup=tclStringCmdsIsClassAlnumPred
+syn region tclStringCmdsIsClassAlnumPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclStringCmdsIsClassAlnumOptsGroup,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tclStringCmdsIsClass
+syn keyword tclStringCmds contained is skipwhite nextgroup=tclStringCmdsIsPred
+syn region tclStringCmdsIsPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclStringCmdsIsClass,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tclStringCmds
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained trace skipwhite nextgroup=tclTracePred
+syn region tclTracePred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclTraceCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclTraceCmds contained variable vdelete vinfo skipwhite nextgroup=tclTraceCmdsVariablePred
+syn region tclTraceCmdsVariablePred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclTraceCmdsAddCmdsCommandCmds contained rename trace skipwhite nextgroup=tclTraceCmdsAddCmdsCommandCmdsRenamePred
+syn region tclTraceCmdsAddCmdsCommandCmdsRenamePred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclTraceCmdsAddCmds contained command skipwhite nextgroup=tclTraceCmdsAddCmdsCommandPred
+syn region tclTraceCmdsAddCmdsCommandPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclTraceCmdsAddCmdsCommandCmds,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tclTraceCmdsAddCmds
+syn keyword tclTraceCmds contained add remove info skipwhite nextgroup=tclTraceCmdsAddPred
+syn region tclTraceCmdsAddPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclTraceCmdsAddCmds,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tclTraceCmds
+syn keyword tclTraceCmdsAddCmdsExecutionCmds contained enter leave enterstep leavestep skipwhite nextgroup=tclTraceCmdsAddCmdsExecutionCmdsEnterPred
+syn region tclTraceCmdsAddCmdsExecutionCmdsEnterPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclTraceCmdsAddCmds contained execution skipwhite nextgroup=tclTraceCmdsAddCmdsExecutionPred
+syn region tclTraceCmdsAddCmdsExecutionPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclTraceCmdsAddCmdsExecutionCmds,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tclTraceCmdsAddCmds
+syn keyword tclTraceCmds contained add remove info skipwhite nextgroup=tclTraceCmdsAddPred
+syn region tclTraceCmdsAddPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclTraceCmdsAddCmds,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tclTraceCmds
+syn keyword tclTraceCmdsAddCmdsVariableCmds contained array read write unset skipwhite nextgroup=tclTraceCmdsAddCmdsVariableCmdsArrayPred
+syn region tclTraceCmdsAddCmdsVariableCmdsArrayPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclTraceCmdsAddCmds contained variable skipwhite nextgroup=tclTraceCmdsAddCmdsVariablePred
+syn region tclTraceCmdsAddCmdsVariablePred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclTraceCmdsAddCmdsVariableCmds,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tclTraceCmdsAddCmds
+syn keyword tclTraceCmds contained add remove info skipwhite nextgroup=tclTraceCmdsAddPred
+syn region tclTraceCmdsAddPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclTraceCmdsAddCmds,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tclTraceCmds
+syn keyword tclPrimary contained interp skipwhite nextgroup=tclInterpPred
+syn region tclInterpPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclInterpCmds,@tclStuff
+syn match tclInterpCmdsCreateOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclInterpCmdsCreateOpts
+syn keyword tclInterpCmdsCreateOpts contained safe
+syn keyword tclInterpCmds contained create skipwhite nextgroup=tclInterpCmdsCreatePred
+syn region tclInterpCmdsCreatePred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclInterpCmdsCreateOptsGroup,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tclInterpCmds
+syn match tclInterpCmdsInvokehiddenOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclInterpCmdsInvokehiddenOpts
+syn keyword tclInterpCmdsInvokehiddenOpts contained namespace global
+syn keyword tclInterpCmds contained invokehidden skipwhite nextgroup=tclInterpCmdsInvokehiddenPred
+syn region tclInterpCmdsInvokehiddenPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclInterpCmdsInvokehiddenOptsGroup,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tclInterpCmds
+syn match tclInterpCmdsLimitOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclInterpCmdsLimitOpts
+syn keyword tclInterpCmdsLimitOpts contained command granularity milliseconds seconds value
+syn keyword tclInterpCmds contained limit skipwhite nextgroup=tclInterpCmdsLimitPred
+syn region tclInterpCmdsLimitPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclInterpCmdsLimitOptsGroup,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tclInterpCmds
+syn keyword tclInterpCmds contained alias aliases bgerror delete eval exists expose hide hidden issafe marktrusted recursionlimit share slaves target transfer skipwhite nextgroup=tclInterpCmdsAliasPred
+syn region tclInterpCmdsAliasPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclSecondary contained aliases alias bgerror eval expose hide hidden issafe marktrusted recursionlimit skipwhite nextgroup=tclInterpSUBAliasesPred
+syn region tclInterpSUBAliasesPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclSecondary contained invokehidden skipwhite nextgroup=tclInterpSUBInvokehiddenPred
+syn region tclInterpSUBInvokehiddenPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclInterpSUBInvokehiddenOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tclInterpSUBInvokehiddenOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclInterpSUBInvokehiddenOpts
+syn keyword tclInterpSUBInvokehiddenOpts contained namespace global
+syn keyword tclSecondary contained limit skipwhite nextgroup=tclInterpSUBLimitPred
+syn region tclInterpSUBLimitPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tclInterpSUBLimitOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tclInterpSUBLimitOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tclInterpSUBLimitOpts
+syn keyword tclInterpSUBLimitOpts contained command granularity milliseconds seconds value
+syn keyword tkKeyword contained bell skipwhite nextgroup=tkBellPred
+syn region tkBellPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkBellOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tkBellOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tkBellOpts
+syn keyword tkBellOpts contained nice displayof
+syn keyword tkKeyword contained clipboard skipwhite nextgroup=tkClipboardPred
+syn region tkClipboardPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkClipboardCmds,@tclStuff
+syn match tkClipboardCmdsClearOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tkClipboardCmdsClearOpts
+syn keyword tkClipboardCmdsClearOpts contained displayof format type
+syn keyword tkClipboardCmds contained clear append get skipwhite nextgroup=tkClipboardCmdsClearPred
+syn region tkClipboardCmdsClearPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkClipboardCmdsClearOptsGroup,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tkClipboardCmds
+syn keyword tkKeyword contained console consoleinterp skipwhite nextgroup=tkConsolePred
+syn region tkConsolePred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkConsoleCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tkConsoleCmds contained eval hide show title record skipwhite nextgroup=tkConsoleCmdsEvalPred
+syn region tkConsoleCmdsEvalPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tkKeyword contained focus skipwhite nextgroup=tkFocusPred
+syn region tkFocusPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkFocusOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tkFocusOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tkFocusOpts
+syn keyword tkFocusOpts contained displayof force lastfor
+syn keyword tkKeyword contained tkwait skipwhite nextgroup=tkTkwaitPred
+syn region tkTkwaitPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkTkwaitCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tkTkwaitCmds contained variable visibility window skipwhite nextgroup=tkTkwaitCmdsVariablePred
+syn region tkTkwaitCmdsVariablePred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tkKeyword contained winfo skipwhite nextgroup=tkWinfoPred
+syn region tkWinfoPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkWinfoCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tkWinfoCmds contained containing interps pathname visualscells children class colormapfull depth exists fpixels geom[etry] height id ismapped manager name parent pixels pointerx pointerxy pointery reqheight reqwidth rgb rootx rooty screen screencells screendepth screenheight screenmmheight screenmmwidth screenvisual screenwidth server toplevel viewable visual visualid vrootheight vrootwidth vrootx vrooty width x y skipwhite nextgroup=tkWinfoCmdsContainingPred
+syn region tkWinfoCmdsContainingPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn match tkWinfoCmdsAtomOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tkWinfoCmdsAtomOpts
+syn keyword tkWinfoCmdsAtomOpts contained displayof includeids
+syn keyword tkWinfoCmds contained atom atomname containing interps pathname visualsavailable skipwhite nextgroup=tkWinfoCmdsAtomPred
+syn region tkWinfoCmdsAtomPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkWinfoCmdsAtomOptsGroup,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tkWinfoCmds
+syn keyword tkKeyword contained wm skipwhite nextgroup=tkWmPred
+syn region tkWmPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkWmCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tkWmCmds contained aspect attributes attributes attributes client colormapwindows command deiconify focusmodel frame geom[etry] grid group iconbitmap iconify iconmask iconname iconphoto iconposition iconwindow maxsize minsize overrideredirect positionfrom protocol resizable sizefrom stackorder state title transient withdraw skipwhite nextgroup=tkWmCmdsAspectPred
+syn region tkWmCmdsAspectPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tkKeyword contained grab skipwhite nextgroup=tkGrabPred
+syn region tkGrabPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkGrabOptsGroup,tkGrabCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tkGrabCmds contained current release set status skipwhite nextgroup=tkGrabOptsGroup skipwhite nextgroup=tkGrabCmdsCurrentPred
+syn region tkGrabCmdsCurrentPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn match tkGrabOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tkGrabOpts
+syn keyword tkGrabOpts contained global
+syn keyword tkKeyword contained font skipwhite nextgroup=tkFontPred
+syn region tkFontPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkFontCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tkFontCmds contained delete names skipwhite nextgroup=tkFontCmdsDeletePred
+syn region tkFontCmdsDeletePred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn match tkFontCmdsFamiliesOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tkFontCmdsFamiliesOpts
+syn keyword tkFontCmdsFamiliesOpts contained displayof
+syn keyword tkFontCmds contained families measure skipwhite nextgroup=tkFontCmdsFamiliesPred
+syn region tkFontCmdsFamiliesPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkFontCmdsFamiliesOptsGroup,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tkFontCmds
+syn match tkFontCmdsActualOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tkFontCmdsActualOpts
+syn keyword tkFontCmdsActualOpts contained displayof ascent descent linespace fixed family size weight slant underline overstrike
+syn keyword tkFontCmds contained actual configure create metrics skipwhite nextgroup=tkFontCmdsActualPred
+syn region tkFontCmdsActualPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkFontCmdsActualOptsGroup,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tkFontCmds
+syn keyword tkKeyword contained option skipwhite nextgroup=tkOptionPred
+syn region tkOptionPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkOptionCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tkOptionCmds contained add clear get readfile skipwhite nextgroup=tkOptionCmdsAddPred
+syn region tkOptionCmdsAddPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tkKeyword contained grid skipwhite nextgroup=tkGridPred
+syn region tkGridPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkGridOptsGroup,tkGridCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tkGridCmds contained anchor bbox forget info location propogate remove size slaves skipwhite nextgroup=tkGridCmdsAnchorPred
+syn region tkGridCmdsAnchorPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn match tkGridCmdsColumnconfigureOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tkGridCmdsColumnconfigureOpts
+syn keyword tkGridCmdsColumnconfigureOpts contained column columnspan in ipadx ipady padx pady row rowspan sticky minsize weight uniform pad
+syn keyword tkGridCmds contained columnconfigure rowconfigure configure skipwhite nextgroup=tkGridCmdsColumnconfigurePred
+syn region tkGridCmdsColumnconfigurePred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkGridCmdsColumnconfigureOptsGroup,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tkGridCmds
+syn match tkGridOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tkGridOpts
+syn keyword tkGridOpts contained column columnspan in ipadx ipady padx pady row rowspan sticky minsize weight uniform pad
+syn keyword tkKeyword contained pack skipwhite nextgroup=tkPackPred
+syn region tkPackPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkPackOptsGroup,tkPackCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tkPackCmds contained forget info propogate slaves skipwhite nextgroup=tkPackCmdsForgetPred
+syn region tkPackCmdsForgetPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn match tkPackCmdsConfigureOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tkPackCmdsConfigureOpts
+syn keyword tkPackCmdsConfigureOpts contained after anchor before expand fill in ipadx ipady padx pady side
+syn keyword tkPackCmds contained configure skipwhite nextgroup=tkPackCmdsConfigurePred
+syn region tkPackCmdsConfigurePred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkPackCmdsConfigureOptsGroup,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tkPackCmds
+syn match tkPackOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tkPackOpts
+syn keyword tkPackOpts contained after anchor before expand fill in ipadx ipady padx pady side
+syn keyword tkKeyword contained place skipwhite nextgroup=tkPlacePred
+syn region tkPlacePred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkPlaceOptsGroup,tkPlaceCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tkPlaceCmds contained forget info slaves skipwhite nextgroup=tkPlaceCmdsForgetPred
+syn region tkPlaceCmdsForgetPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn match tkPlaceCmdsConfigureOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tkPlaceCmdsConfigureOpts
+syn keyword tkPlaceCmdsConfigureOpts contained anchor bordermode height in relheight relwidth relx rely width x y
+syn keyword tkPlaceCmds contained configure skipwhite nextgroup=tkPlaceCmdsConfigurePred
+syn region tkPlaceCmdsConfigurePred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkPlaceCmdsConfigureOptsGroup,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tkPlaceCmds
+syn match tkPlaceOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tkPlaceOpts
+syn keyword tkPlaceOpts contained anchor bordermode height in relheight relwidth relx rely width x y
+syn keyword tkKeyword contained tk_messageBox skipwhite nextgroup=tkTk_messageboxPred
+syn region tkTk_messageboxPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkTk_messageboxOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tkTk_messageboxOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tkTk_messageboxOpts
+syn keyword tkTk_messageboxOpts contained default detail icon message parent title type
+syn keyword tkKeyword contained tk skipwhite nextgroup=tkTkPred
+syn region tkTkPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkTkCmds,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tkTkCmds contained appname windowingsystem skipwhite nextgroup=tkTkCmdsAppnamePred
+syn region tkTkCmdsAppnamePred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=,@tclStuff
+syn match tkTkCmdsScalingOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tkTkCmdsScalingOpts
+syn keyword tkTkCmdsScalingOpts contained displayof
+syn keyword tkTkCmds contained scaling inactive useinputmethods skipwhite nextgroup=tkTkCmdsScalingPred
+syn region tkTkCmdsScalingPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkTkCmdsScalingOptsGroup,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tkTkCmds
+syn match tkTkCmdsCaretCmdsWindowOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tkTkCmdsCaretCmdsWindowOpts
+syn keyword tkTkCmdsCaretCmdsWindowOpts contained x y height
+syn keyword tkTkCmdsCaretCmds contained window skipwhite nextgroup=tkTkCmdsCaretCmdsWindowPred
+syn region tkTkCmdsCaretCmdsWindowPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkTkCmdsCaretCmdsWindowOptsGroup,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tkTkCmdsCaretCmds
+syn keyword tkTkCmds contained caret skipwhite nextgroup=tkTkCmdsCaretPred
+syn region tkTkCmdsCaretPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkTkCmdsCaretCmds,@tclStuff skipwhite nextgroup=tkTkCmds
+syn keyword tkKeyword contained send skipwhite nextgroup=tkSendPred
+syn region tkSendPred contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkSendOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tkSendOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tkSendOpts
+syn keyword tkSendOpts contained async displayof
+" -------------------------
+" tk: Syntax - special case words
+" -------------------------
+syn keyword tkWidgetMenu              contained cascade separator command checkbutton radiobutton
+syn keyword tclSecondary              contained activate addtag bbox canvasx canvasy clone coords curselection dchars delete delta deselect dtag entrycget entryconfigure find flash focus fraction get gettags icursor identify index insert invoke lower move moveto nearest panecget paneconfigure panes post postcascade proxy raise replace sash scale see set toggle type unpost validate xposition yposition
+syn keyword tclSecondary              contained conf[igure] cget skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetPredicate
+syn keyword tclSecondary              contained add skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetAddPredicate
+syn region tkWidgetPredicate          contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkWidgetOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn region tkWidgetAddPredicate       contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkWidgetMenu,tkWidgetOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+" these come from various widgets, their predicate spaces are a superset of everything required
+syn keyword tclSecondary              contained scan skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetScanPredicate
+syn region tkWidgetScanPredicate      contained excludenl start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkBindSubstGroup,tkScanCmds,tkWidgetOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclSecondary              contained select skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetSelectPredicate
+syn region tkWidgetSelectPredicate    contained excludenl start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkSelectCmds,tkWidgetOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclSecondary              contained scroll skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetScrollPredicate
+syn region tkWidgetScrollPredicate    contained excludenl start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkScrollCmds,tkScrollbarElems,tkWidgetOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclSecondary              contained xview yview skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetViewPredicate
+syn region tkWidgetViewPredicate      contained excludenl start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkViewCmds,tkWidgetOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclSecondary              contained edit skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetEditPredicate
+syn region tkWidgetEditPredicate      contained excludenl start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkEditCmds,tkWidgetOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclSecondary              contained mark skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetMarkPredicate
+syn region tkWidgetMarkPredicate      contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkMarkCmds,tkWidgetOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclSecondary              contained peer skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetPeerPredicate
+syn region tkWidgetPeerPredicate      contained excludenl start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkPeerCmds,tkWidgetOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+" terminated switches, needs keeepend
+syn keyword tclSecondary              contained search skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetSearchPredicate
+syn region tkWidgetSearchPredicate    contained excludenl keepend start=+.+ end=+}\|]\|;\|.$\|--+ contains=tkWidgetSearchOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tkWidgetSearchOptsGroup     contained "-\a\+" contains=tkWidgetSearchOpts skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetSearchOptsGroup,tkWidgetOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tkWidgetSearchOpts        contained forwards back[wards] exact regexp nolinestop nocase count all overlap elide
+syn keyword tclSecondary              contained selection skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetSelectionPredicate
+syn region tkWidgetSelectionPredicate contained excludenl start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkSelectionCmds,tkWidgetOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclSecondary              contained tag skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetTagPredicate
+syn region tkWidgetTagPredicate       contained excludenl start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkTagCmds,tkTagOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclSecondary              contained window skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetWindowPredicate
+syn region tkWidgetWindowPredicate    contained excludenl start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkWindowCmds,tkWidgetOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tclSecondary contained compare skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetComparePredicate
+" syn region tkWidgetComparePredicate   contained excludenl start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=@tclStuff
+" TODO compare predicate is:
+" anything
+" operator -> an expression
+" anything
+syn keyword tclSecondary contained count skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetCountPredicate
+syn region tkWidgetCountPredicate   contained excludenl start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkCountOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tkCountOptsGroup  contained "-\a\+" contains=tkCountOpts skipwhite nextgroup=tkCountOpts,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tkCountOpts contained chars displaychars displayindicies displaylines indices lines xpixels ypixels update
+hi link tkCountOpts tclOption
+syn keyword tkEditCmds            contained modified redo reset separator undo
+syn keyword tkMarkCmds            contained gravity names next previous set unset 
+syn keyword tkPeerCmds            contained create names
+syn keyword tkScanCmds             contained mark dragto
+syn keyword tkSelectCmds           contained adjust anchor clear element from includes item present range set to
+syn keyword tkSelectionCmds        contained anchor clear includes set
+syn keyword tkScrollCmds           contained units pages
+syn keyword tkScrollbarElems       contained arrow1 arrow2 slider trough1 trough2
+syn keyword tkTagCmds             contained add bind cget config[ure] delete lower names nextrange prevrange raise ranges remove
+syn match tkTagOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tkTagOpts
+syn keyword tkTagOpts    contained background bgstipple borderwidth elide fgstipple font foreground justify lmargin1 lmargin2 offset overstrike relief spacing1 spacing2 spacing3 tabs tabstyle under[line] wrap
+syn keyword tkViewCmds             contained moveto scroll
+syn keyword tkWidgetOpts           contained accel[erator] activebackground activeborderwidth activeforeground anchor background bd bg bitmap borderwidth columnbreak command compound cursor disabledfore[ground] exportselection fg font foreground hidemargin highlightbackground highlightcolor highlightthick[ness] image indicatoron insertbackground insertborderwidth insertofftime insertontime insertwidth jump justify label menu offvalue onvalue ori[ent] padx pady relief repeatdelay repeatinterval selectbackground selectborderwidth selectcolor selectforeground selectimage setgrid state takefocus text textvar[iable] troughcolor underline value variable wraplength xscrollcommand yscrollcommand
+syn keyword tkWidgetOpts           contained activerelief activestyle aspect background bigincrement buttonbackground buttoncursor buttondownrelief buttonuprelief class closeenough colormap command confine container default digits direction disabledback[ground] disabledfore[ground] elementborderwidth format from handlepad handlesize height increment indicatoron invalidcommand invcmd justify label labelanchor labelwidget length listvariable menu offrelief offvalue onvalue opaqueresize overrelief postcommand readonlybackground resolution sashcursor sashpad sashrelief sashwidth screen scrollregion selectcolor selectimage selectmode show showhandle showvalue sliderlength sliderrelief state tearoff tearoffcommand tickinterval title to tristateimage tristatevalue type use validate validatecommand value values variable vcmd visual width wrap xscrollincrement yscrollincrement
+syn keyword tkWidgetOpts           contained autoseparators blockcursor endline inactiveselectionbackground maxundo spacing1 spacing2 spacing3 startline state tabs tabstyle undo wrap
+syn keyword tkWindowCmds          contained cget configure create names
+syn match tkWidgetOptsGroup        contained "-\a\+" contains=tkWidgetOpts
+syn keyword tkKeyword      contained bind skipwhite nextgroup=tkBindPredicate
+syn keyword tclSecondary   contained bind skipwhite nextgroup=tkBindPredicate
+syn region tkBindPredicate contained keepend extend excludenl start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkBindTag
+syn region tkBindTag       contained start="." end="\s\|]" skipwhite nextgroup=tkBindSeq contains=@tclStuff
+syn region tkBindSeq       contained start="." end="\s\|]" skipwhite nextgroup=tkBindScript contains=tkEvent
+syn region tkBindScript    contained keepend extend excludenl start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+                                     contains=@tclCommandCluster
+syn region tkBindScript    contained keepend extend excludenl matchgroup=Bold start=+\s*\(\\\)\@<!{+  end=+}+ skip=+$\|\\$\|\\}+ contains=@tclCommandCluster
+syn match tkBindSubstGroup contained "%%"
+syn match tkBindSubstGroup contained "%#"
+syn match tkBindSubstGroup contained "%\a\>" contains=tkBindSubst
+syn keyword tkBindSubst    contained a b c d f h i k m o p s t w x y A B D E K N P R S T W X Y
+syn keyword tkKeyword           contained event skipwhite nextgroup=tkEventPredicate,@tclStuff
+syn region tkEventPredicate     contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkEventCmds
+syn region tkEventCmdsPredicate contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=@tkEventCluster
+syn keyword tkEventCmds         contained add delete generate info skipwhite nextgroup=tkEventCmdsPredicate
+syn match tkEventFieldsGroup    contained "-\a\+" contains=tkEventFields
+syn keyword tkEventFields       contained above borderwidth button count data delta detail focus height keycode keysym mode override place root rootx rooty sendevent serial state subwindow time warp width when x y
+syn keyword tkEventWhen         contained now tail head mark
+syn cluster tkEventCluster contains=tkEventCmds,tkEventFieldsGroup,tkEventWhen,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tkWidget                    contained canvas skipwhite nextgroup=tkCanvasPredicate
+syn region tkCanvasPredicate            contained keepend excludenl start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=@tkCanvasCluster,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tkCanvasTagOpts             contained above all below closest enclosed overlapping withtag
+syn keyword tkCanvasPsOpts              contained colormap colormode file fontmap height pageanchor pageheight pagewidth pagex pagey rotate width x y
+syn keyword tkCanvasItemOpts            contained activebackground activebitmap activedash activefill activeforeground activeimage activeoutline activeoutlinestipple activestipple activewidth anchor arrow arrowshape background bitmap capstyle dash dashoffset disabledbackground disabledbitmap disableddash disabledfill disabledforeground disabledimage disabledoutline disabledoutlinestipple disabledstipple disabledwidth extent fill font foreground height image joinstyle justify offset outline outlinestipple smooth splinesteps start state stipple style tag[s] text width window
+syn cluster tkCanvasCluster            contains=tkCanvasItemOpts,tkCanvasTagOpts,tkWidgetOptsGroup
+" the create command
+syn keyword tkWidgetCreate              contained create skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetCreatePredicate
+syn region tkWidgetCreatePredicate      contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkWidgetCreateCmds,@tclStuff
+syn match tkWidgetCreateCommonOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tkWidgetCreateCommonOpts
+syn keyword tkWidgetCreateCommonOpts    contained activedash activefill activeoutline activeoutlinestipple activestipple activewidth dash dashoffset disableddash disabledfill disabledoutline disabledoutlinestipple disabledstipple disabledwidth fill offset outline outlinestipple state stipple tag[s] width
+syn keyword tkWidgetCreateCmds          contained arc skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetCreateArcPred
+syn region tkWidgetCreateArcPred        contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkWidgetCreateArcOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tkWidgetCreateArcOptsGroup    contained "-\a\+" contains=tkWidgetCreateArcOpts,tkWidgetCreateCommonOpts
+syn keyword tkWidgetCreateArcOpts       contained extent start style
+syn keyword tkWidgetCreateCmds          contained bitmap skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetCreateBitmapPred
+syn region tkWidgetCreateBitmapPred     contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkWidgetCreateBitmapOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tkWidgetCreateBitmapOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tkWidgetCreateBitmapOpts,tkWidgetCreateCommonOpts
+syn keyword tkWidgetCreateBitmapOpts    contained activebackground activebitmap activeforeground anchor background bitmap disabledbackground disabledbitmap disabledforeground foreground
+syn keyword tkWidgetCreateCmds          contained image skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetCreateImagePred
+syn region tkWidgetCreateImagePred      contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkWidgetCreateImageOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tkWidgetCreateImageOptsGroup  contained "-\a\+" contains=tkWidgetCreateImageOpts,tkWidgetCreateCommonOpts
+syn keyword tkWidgetCreateImageOpts     contained anchor image activeimage disabledimage
+syn keyword tkWidgetCreateCmds          contained line skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetCreateLinePred
+syn region tkWidgetCreateLinePred       contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkWidgetCreateLineOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tkWidgetCreateLineOptsGroup   contained "-\a\+" contains=tkWidgetCreateLineOpts,tkWidgetCreateCommonOpts
+syn keyword tkWidgetCreateLineOpts      contained arrow arrowshape capstyle joinstyle smooth splinesteps
+syn keyword tkWidgetCreateCmds          contained oval skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetCreateOvalPred
+syn region tkWidgetCreateOvalPred       contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkWidgetCreateCommonOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tkWidgetCreateCmds          contained poly[gon] skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetCreatePolyPred
+syn region tkWidgetCreatePolyPred       contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkWidgetCreatePolyOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tkWidgetCreatePolyOptsGroup   contained "-\a\+" contains=tkWidgetCreatePolyOpts,tkWidgetCreateCommonOpts
+syn keyword tkWidgetCreatePolyOpts      contained joinstyle smooth splinesteps
+syn keyword tkWidgetCreateCmds          contained rect[angle] skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetCreateRectPred
+syn region tkWidgetCreateRectPred       contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkWidgetCreateCommonOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tkWidgetCreateCmds          contained text skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetCreateTextPred
+syn region tkWidgetCreateTextPred       contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkWidgetCreateTextOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tkWidgetCreateTextOptsGroup   contained "-\a\+" contains=tkWidgetCreateTextOpts,tkWidgetCreateCommonOpts
+syn keyword tkWidgetCreateTextOpts      contained anchor font justify text width
+syn keyword tkWidgetCreateCmds          contained window skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetCreateWinPred
+syn region tkWidgetCreateWinPred        contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkWidgetCreateWinOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tkWidgetCreateWinOptsGroup    contained "-\a\+" contains=tkWidgetCreateWinOpts,tkWidgetCreateCommonOpts
+syn keyword tkWidgetCreateWinOpts       contained anchor height width window
+syn keyword tclSecondary                contained itemconfig[ure] itemcget skipwhite nextgroup=tkCanvasItemConfigurePred
+syn region tkCanvasItemConfigurePred    contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkWidgetCreateArcOpts,tkWidgetCreateBitmapOpts,tkWidgetCreateCommonOpts,tkWidgetCreateImageOpts,tkWidgetCreateLineOpts,tkWidgetCreateOvalOpts,tkWidgetCreatePolyOpts,tkWidgetCreateRectOpts,tkWidgetCreateTextOpts,tkWidgetCreateWinOpts,@tclStuff
+" postscript
+syn keyword tclSecondary contained postscript skipwhite nextgroup=tkCanvasPsPred
+syn region tkCanvasPsPred contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkCanvasPsOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tkCanvasPsOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tkCanvasPsOpts
+" , includes -  bitmap photo
+syn keyword tkWidget                   contained image skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetImagePred
+syn region tkWidgetImagePred           contained keepend excludenl start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkImageCmds,tkWidgetCreate,@tclStuff
+syn keyword tkImageCmds                contained delete inuse names type types 
+syn keyword tkImageCmds                contained anchor height width window
+" create bitmap starts in canvas, this appends
+syn keyword tkWidgetCreateBitmapOpts   contained background data file foreground maskdata maskfile
+syn keyword tkWidgetCreateCmds         contained photo skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetCreatePhotoPred
+syn region tkWidgetCreatePhotoPred     contained keepend excludenl start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkWidgetCreatePhotoOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tkWidgetCreatePhotoOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tkWidgetCreatePhotoOpts
+syn keyword tkWidgetCreatePhotoOpts    contained data format file gamma height palette width
+" Syntax: from photo
+syn keyword tclSecondary               contained blank
+syn keyword tclSecondary               contained copy skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetImageCopyPred
+syn region tkWidgetImageCopyPred       contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkWidgetImageCopyOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tkWidgetImageCopyOptsGroup   contained "-\a\+" contains=tkWidgetImageCopyOpts
+syn keyword tkWidgetImageCopyOpts      contained from to shrink zoom subsample compositingrule
+syn keyword tclSecondary               contained data skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetImageDataPred
+syn region tkWidgetImageDataPred       contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkWidgetImageDataOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tkWidgetImageDataOptsGroup   contained "-\a\+" contains=tkWidgetImageDataOpts
+syn keyword tkWidgetImageDataOpts      contained background format from grayscale
+syn keyword tclSecondary               contained put skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetImagePutPred
+syn region tkWidgetImagePutPred        contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkWidgetImagePutOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tkWidgetImagePutOptsGroup    contained "-\a\+" contains=tkWidgetImagePutOpts
+syn keyword tkWidgetImagePutOpts       contained format to
+syn keyword tclSecondary               contained read skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetImageReadPred
+syn region tkWidgetImageReadPred       contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkWidgetImageReadOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tkWidgetImageReadOptsGroup   contained "-\a\+" contains=tkWidgetImageReadOpts
+syn keyword tkWidgetImageReadOpts      contained format from shrink to
+syn keyword tclSecondary               contained redither
+syn keyword tclSecondary               contained transparency skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetImageTransPred
+syn region tkWidgetImageTransPred      contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkWidgetImageTransOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tkWidgetImageTransOptsGroup  contained "-\a\+" contains=tkWidgetImageTransOpts
+syn keyword tkWidgetImageTransOpts     contained get set
+syn keyword tclSecondary               contained write skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetImageWritePred
+syn region tkWidgetImageWritePred      contained keepend start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=tkWidgetImageWriteOptsGroup,@tclStuff
+syn match tkWidgetImageWriteOptsGroup  contained "-\a\+" contains=tkWidgetImageWriteOpts
+syn keyword tkWidgetImageWriteOpts     contained background format from grayscale
+syn keyword tkWidget           contained text skipwhite nextgroup=tkTextPredicate
+syn keyword tkKeyword          contained tk_textCopy tk_textCut tk_textPaste
+syn region tkTextPredicate     contained keepend excludenl start=+.+ skip=+\\$+ end=+}\|]\|;\|$+ contains=@tkTextCluster,@tclStuff
+" this is how you 'subclass' an OptsGroup
+syn match tkTextWidgetOptsGroup contained "-\a\+" contains=tkTextWidgetOpts,tkWidgetOpts
+syn keyword tkTextWidgetOpts    contained autoseparators blockcursor endline inactiveselectionbackground maxundo spacing1 spacing2 spacing3 startline state tabs tabstyle undo wrap
+syn cluster tkTextCluster      contains=tkTextWidgetOptsGroup
+syn keyword tkWidget           contained listbox skipwhite nextgroup=tkWidgetPredicate
+" -------------------------
+" Tcl: Packages
+" ------------------------- 
+if exists("s:tcl_snit_active")
+    runtime! syntax/tcl_snit.vim
+if exists("s:tcl_sqlite_active")
+    runtime! syntax/tcl_sqlite.vim
+if exists("s:tcl_critcl_active")
+    runtime! syntax/tcl_critcl.vim
+if exists("s:tcl_togl_active")
+    runtime! syntax/tcl_togl.vim
+if exists("s:tcl_itcl_active")
+    runtime! syntax/tcl_itcl.vim
+if exists("s:tcl_ttk_active")
+    runtime! syntax/tcl_ttk.vim
+" -------------------------
+if exists("s:tcl_highlight_all")
+    let s:tcl_highlight_bookends = 1
+    let s:tcl_highlight_primary = 1
+    let s:tcl_highlight_secondary = 1
+    let s:tcl_highlight_variables = 1
+    let s:tcl_highlight_options = 1
+    let s:tcl_highlight_expressions = 1
+if version >= 508 || !exists("s:did_tcl_syn_inits")
+    if version <= 508
+        let s:did_tcl_syn_inits = 1
+        command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+    else
+        command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+    endif
+" -------------------------
+" Highlights: - Basic
+" -------------------------
+HiLink tclStart          Special
+HiLink tclLContinueOK    Special
+HiLink tclLContinueError Error
+HiLink tclQuotes         String
+HiLink tclNumber         Number
+HiLink tclComment        Comment
+HiLink tclComment2       Comment
+HiLink tclCommentBraces  Comment
+HiLink tclIfComment      Comment
+HiLink tclIfCommentStart Comment
+HiLink tclSpecial        Special
+HiLink tclTodo           Todo
+HiLink tclExpand         Underlined
+HiLink tclREClassGroup   Special
+HiLink tclREClass        Special
+" ------------------
+if exists("s:tcl_highlight_primary")
+    HiLink tclKeyword        Statement
+    HiLink tclNamespace      Statement
+    HiLink tclPrimary        Statement
+    HiLink tclConditional    Conditional
+    HiLink tclRepeat         Repeat
+    HiLink tclException      Exception
+    HiLink tclLabel          Label
+    HiLink tkWidget          Underlined
+" ------------------
+if exists("s:tcl_highlight_lcs_are_warnings")
+    hi! def link tclLContinueOk WarningMsg
+" ------------------
+if exists("s:tcl_highlight_namespace_bold")
+    hi! def link tclNamespace      Bold
+" ------------------
+if exists("s:tcl_highlight_options")
+    hi! def link tclOption         PreProc
+" ------------------
+if exists("s:tcl_highlight_secondary")
+    hi! def link tclSecondary      Type
+    hi! def link tclSubcommand     Type
+" ------------------
+if exists("s:tcl_highlight_variables")
+    hi! def link tclVariable       Identifier
+" ------------------
+if exists("s:tcl_highlight_expressions")
+    hi! def link tclEnsemble       Special
+    hi! def link tclMaths          Special
+" ------------------
+HiLink tclProcName       Bold
+HiLink tclProcDef        Bold
+HiLink tclProcType       Bold
+" ------------------
+HiLink tkColor           Bold
+HiLink tkWidgetCmds      tclSubcommand
+HiLink tkWidgetOpts      tclOption
+HiLink tclMagicName      tclKeyword
+HiLink tkKeyword         tclKeyword
+HiLink tkReserved        tclKeyword
+HiLink tkDialog          tclKeyword
+HiLink tkEvent           tclQuotes
+HiLink tkWidgetName      tclQuotes
+" -------------------------
+" Highlights: - Extended
+" -------------------------
+HiLink tclAfterCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tclArrayCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tclArrayCmdsNamesOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclBinaryCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tclChanCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tclChanCmdsConfigureOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclChanCmdsCopyOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclChanCmdsPutsOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclClockCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tclClockCmdsAddOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclDictCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tclDictCmdsFilterOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclEncodingCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tclExecOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclFconfigureOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclFcopyOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclFileCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tclFileCmdsAtimeOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclFileCmdsAttributesOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclFileCmdsCopyOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclFileeventCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tclGlobOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclHistoryCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tclHistoryCmdsAddCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tclInfoCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tclInterpCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tclInterpCmdsCreateOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclInterpCmdsInvokehiddenOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclInterpCmdsLimitOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclInterpSUBInvokehiddenOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclInterpSUBLimitOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclLsearchOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclLsortOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclMemoryCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tclOpenOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclPackageCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tclPackageCmdsPresentOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclPutsOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclRegexpOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclRegsubOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclReturnOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclSeekCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tclSocketOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclSourceOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclStringCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tclStringCmdsCompareOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclStringCmdsIsClass tclEnsemble
+HiLink tclStringCmdsIsClassAlnumOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclStringCmdsMapOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclSubstOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclSwitchOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclTraceCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tclTraceCmdsAddCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tclTraceCmdsAddCmdsCommandCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tclTraceCmdsAddCmdsExecutionCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tclTraceCmdsAddCmdsVariableCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tclUnloadOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclUnsetOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclUpdateCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tkBellOpts tclOption
+HiLink tkClipboardCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tkClipboardCmdsClearOpts tclOption
+HiLink tkConsoleCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tkFocusOpts tclOption
+HiLink tkFontCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tkFontCmdsActualOpts tclOption
+HiLink tkFontCmdsFamiliesOpts tclOption
+HiLink tkGrabCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tkGrabOpts tclOption
+HiLink tkGridCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tkGridCmdsColumnconfigureOpts tclOption
+HiLink tkGridOpts tclOption
+HiLink tkOptionCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tkPackCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tkPackCmdsConfigureOpts tclOption
+HiLink tkPackOpts tclOption
+HiLink tkPlaceCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tkPlaceCmdsConfigureOpts tclOption
+HiLink tkPlaceOpts tclOption
+HiLink tkSendOpts tclOption
+HiLink tkTkCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tkTkCmdsCaretCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tkTkCmdsCaretCmdsWindowOpts tclOption
+HiLink tkTkCmdsScalingOpts tclOption
+HiLink tkTk_messageboxOpts tclOption
+HiLink tkTkwaitCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tkWinfoCmds tclSubcommand
+HiLink tkWinfoCmdsAtomOpts tclOption
+HiLink tkWmCmds tclSubcommand
+" -------------------------
+" Highlights: - Special Case
+" -------------------------
+HiLink tclNamespaceCmds               tclSubcommand
+HiLink tclNamespaceEnsemble           tclEnsemble
+HiLink tclNamespaceEnsembleCmds       tclSubcommand
+HiLink tclNamespaceEnsembleExistsOpts tclOption
+HiLink tclNamespaceExportOpts         tclOption
+HiLink tkBindSubst                    tclQuotes
+HiLink tkBindSubstGroup               tclQuotes
+HiLink tkEventCmds                    tclSubcommand
+HiLink tkEventFields                  tclOption
+HiLink tkEventWhen                    tclString
+HiLink tkCanvasItemOpts               tclOption
+HiLink tkCanvasPsOpts                 tclOption
+HiLink tkCanvasTagOpts                tclOption
+HiLink tkWidgetCreate                 tclSubcommand
+HiLink tkWidgetCreateArcOpts          tclOption
+HiLink tkWidgetCreateBitmapOpts       tclOption
+HiLink tkWidgetCreateCmds             tclEnsemble
+HiLink tkWidgetCreateCommonOpts       tclOption
+HiLink tkWidgetCreateImageOpts        tclOption
+HiLink tkWidgetCreateLineOpts         tclOption
+HiLink tkWidgetCreateOvalOpts         tclOption
+HiLink tkWidgetCreatePhotoOpts        tclOption
+HiLink tkWidgetCreatePolyOpts         tclOption
+HiLink tkWidgetCreateRectOpts         tclOption
+HiLink tkWidgetCreateTextOpts         tclOption
+HiLink tkWidgetCreateWinOpts          tclOption
+HiLink tkImageCmds                    tclSubcommand
+HiLink tkWidgetImageCopyOpts          tclOption
+HiLink tkWidgetImageDataOpts          tclOption
+HiLink tkWidgetImagePutOpts           tclOption
+HiLink tkWidgetImageReadOpts          tclOption
+HiLink tkWidgetImageTransOpts         tclOption
+HiLink tkWidgetImageWriteOpts         tclOption
+HiLink tkTextWidgetOpts               tclOption
+HiLink tkMarkCmds                     tclEnsemble
+HiLink tkTagCmds                      tclEnsemble
+HiLink tkTagOpts                      tclOption
+HiLink tkWidgetSearchOpts             tclOption
+HiLink tkScanCmds                     tclEnsemble
+HiLink tkScrollCmds                   tclEnsemble
+HiLink tkSelectCmds                   tclEnsemble
+HiLink tkScrollbarElems               tclOption
+HiLink tkScrollbarElems               tclString
+HiLink tkWidgetMenu                   tclEnsemble
+HiLink tkViewCmds                     tclEnsemble
+delcommand HiLink
+" -------------------------
+" Hoodage:
+" -------------------------
+let b:current_syntax = "tcl"
+" override the sync commands from the other syntax files
+syn sync clear
+" syn sync minlines=300
+syn sync fromstart
+" -------------------------
+" vim:ft=vim